The 3 Hottest Posts On The Innovative Educator

Haven’t been keeping up with The Innovative Educator? Don’t worry. That’s what this wrap up is for.  Here are the three hottest posts that you don’t want to miss!

What’s hot this week? 
  1. Formative Assessment
  2. Innovative Idea For Letters of Recommendations
  3. Teen Brains
At the top of the hot list for the first time is post highlighting a handy infographic that can be posted in your classroom. It was created by an #NYCSchoolsTech teacher to makes it clear and easy to see some ways tech can support assessment.

Next up is a post from three teachers and it outlines their process for right great letters of recommendations without getting overwhelmed.   Rounding out the top is a post about the teen brain and some myths that should be reconsidered when engaging with them.

So what are you waiting for? Now's your chance. Take a look at the posts below and click the link to read one(s) that looks of interest to you.

Apr 16, 2017, 
Apr 19, 2017, 
Mar 28, 2017, 

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