#MediaLiteracy with @KellyMendoza of @CommonSenseEd - #NYCSchoolsTechChat

12th chat welcome kelly.jpegMedia literacy.  Educators know it’s important but they often haven’t been armed with the tools necessary to ensure their students are prepared....  
Until now.  
On Thursday, April 6th at 6 pm, we invite you to join the #NYCSchoolsTechChat during its one year anniversary celebration where we will discuss media literacy.  Our host, is Kelly Mendoza from Common Sense Education, who will, among other topics, will tell us all about Common Sense Education’s new Media Literacy Toolkit. During the chat you will discover ideas, strategies, and resources to help guide students to think critically about the media they are consuming and creating.  

#NYCSchoolTech teacher Eileen Lennon moderates with me throwing in my two cents.

You can prepare for the conversation by thinking about answers to these questions:

  • Q1 How would you define #MediaLiteracy? #NYCSchoolsTechChat
  • Q2 How do you teach #MediaLiteracy? Ideas? Links to resources? #NYCSchoolsTechChat
  • Q3 In which areas do you, #Ss, or #Ps struggle with #MediaLiteracy?
  • Q4 How can you prevent cynicism about media in #Ss #Ps? #NYCSchoolsTechChat #MediaLiteracy
  • Q5 Ideas for helping #Ss be critical media creators? #NYCSchoolsTechChat #MediaLiteracy
Chat details are below:
Remember to respond using the hashtag #NYCSchoolsTechChat and include the number of the question you are answering in your response i.e. A1 and your answer.

We hope you can view the chat live, but if you are unable, please visit our archive at

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