5 Formative Assessment Tools to Invigorate Your Classroom via @Sunsetparktech

Inspired to turn useful tips, tricks, and ideas into infographics, #NYCSchoolsTech specialist, Joe Santiagocreated his first infographic. The focus is on how teachers who want to update their practice can use technology when doing formative assessments.

The infographic was created using Google Drawing which he said allowed him the freedom he needed in his design. The infographic was created to be printed on legal sized paper or fit to letter size and cropped. Mr. Santiago printed one for each teacher in his school on letter sized cardstock and also created legal sized posters and put them in high traffic teacher zones.

Here is the shareable Link: https://goo.gl/GnQxBW

The culprit behind the inspiration is Eileen Lennonself-described tech teacher at @team74q & all around nerd. No surprise there. She is also the moderator of #NYCSchoolsTechChat and the wizard behind those beautiful graphics incorporated into our chats.  
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