How to Create Your Own Placemarks in the New Google Earth

A new version of Google Earth was released yesterday. In my initial review of it I was excited that it now works in your web browser while also being disappointed by the lack of creation tools that it contains. Fortunately, you can still put your own multimedia placemarks on Google Earth by importing a KML file In the following video I demonstrate how to create a KML to use in the new version of Google Earth.

Applications for Education
Creating a series of placemarks to display in Google Earth can be a good activity for students that helps them understand the relationship between events and their locations. A classic example of this is having students map the locations of battles of the American Revolution.

I'll be covering how to use Google Earth and Maps on Chromebooks during the Practical Ed Tech Chromebook Camp this summer. Early registration discounts are available for until the end of the month.

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