Planning Your Video Project - A Guide for Students

Earlier today I published Rushton Hurley's blog post about using video to capture your current students' knowledge to be shared with your future students. Rushton included a sample video from a student explaining and illustrating onomatopoeia. While the final video is short, creating a good video requires planning. Over the years I've refined video planning process that I use with students. Lately, I've settled on the template that can be seen here as a Google Doc or as embedded below as a PDF. Feel free to download the PDF to use with your own students.

You will notice that this template has some checkpoints in it. Those checkpoints serve as places for me to give students feedback, make sure they're on track, and to have students give thought to their videos before using the video editing tools. Having a good plan in place ultimately makes completing the final editing of videos a more efficient process for students.

Developing video projects and creating videos will be one of the featured areas at the Practical Ed Tech Chromebook Camp and the Practical Ed Tech BYOD Camp this summer. 
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