The Week In Review - The Most Popular Posts on Free Technology for Teachers

This week's week in review comes to you from the new Byrne Instructional Media, LLC office in Yarmouth, Maine. For a number of reasons, I have moved out of a home office and into a workspace at Think Tank Coworking in Yarmouth, Maine. I was initially hesitant to make the move because I thought I was too old (grumpy) and not hipster enough (black coffee and raggedy Carhartts) for a coworking space. It turns out that there are lots of late 30's and older people who also just need quiet places to work without fighting the coffee shop crowds.The lesson here, don't knock it until you try it.

That's all the news from here. I hope that you have a great weekend. If your weekend includes catching up on some ed tech tips, take a look at this week's most popular posts.

Here are this week's most popular posts of the week:
1. 22 Videos That Can Help Students Improve Their Writing
2. Zero Noise Classroom - A Timer and Noise Meter in One
3. 12 Ways to Create Videos On Chromebooks
4. Create Comic Strips in Google Slides
5. Storymap JS - Tell Stories With Maps
6. How to Create Strong Passwords
7. Three Good Tools for Creating Screenshots on Chromebooks

Join me this summer for the Practical Ed Tech Chromebook Camp or the Practical Ed Tech BYOD Camp. Early registration and group discounts are available.

Please visit the official advertisers that help keep this blog going.
Practical Ed Tech is the brand through which I offer PD webinars.
Storyboard That is my go-to tool for creating storyboards.
QuickKey saves teachers tons of time when scoring formative assessments.
WriteReader is a fantastic multimedia writing tool for elementary school students.
Discovery Education & Wilkes University offer online courses for earning Master's degrees in Instructional Media.
PrepFactory offers a great place for students to prepare for SAT and ACT tests.
Boise State University offers a 100% online program in educational technology.
EdTechTeacher is hosts workshops in six cities in the U.S. in the summer.
My Simpleshow provides a great way to create explanatory videos.
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