3 Hottest Posts Most Popular On The Innovative Educator

Haven’t been keeping up with The Innovative Educator? Don’t worry. That’s what this wrap up is for.  Here are the three hottest posts that you don’t want to miss!

What’s hot this week? Fighting fake news, increasing parent engagement, and ePortfolios.

Making its way to the top for the first time is a post that points to four fabulous sites you can turn to fight fake news. Next up I recap my #SXSWEdu panel discussion hosted by Common Sense Education and outline 9 ways to increase parent engagement using digital media. Rounding out the top is a post that lays out how to get started with ePortfolios as well as some great options for doing that. 

So what are you waiting for? Now's your chance. Take a look at the posts below and click the link to read one(s) that looks of interest to you.

Feb 19, 2017, 
Mar 12, 2017, 
Feb 26, 2017, 

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