Have you gone live yet? Whether you have or have not "yet" we invite you to share and learn ways educators are using the go live feature on Facebook and Twitter to celebrate success, student work, and learning. You can join us for our 11th monthly Twitter chat at 6:00 pm ET on Thursday, March 2nd.
#NYCSchoolTech teacher Eileen Lennon moderates with me throwing in my two cents.
You can prepare for the conversation by thinking about answers to these questions:
- Q1 Why were you interested in joining today’s #NYCSchoolsTechChat on going live to capture success, student work, & learning? Hopes?
- Q2 What are some ways you have or are considering going live to celebrate success or support learning?
- Q3 Show the go! Please share links to examples of livestreams you’ve captured to celebrate success or support learning.
Chat details are below:
- Meeting date/time: March 2nd at 6:00 pm
Remember to respond using the hashtag #NYCSchoolsTechChat and include the number of the question you are answering in your response i.e. A1 and your answer.
We hope you can view the chat live, but if you are unable, please visit our archive at
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