Resources for Teaching and Learning About Pearl Harbor

This coming Wednesday marks 75 years since the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. That attack drew the United States into World War II. Here are some resources for teaching and learning about Pearl Harbor.

Five Things You Don't Know About Pearl Harbor, produced by, offers five interesting facts about and related to the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

The National Parks Service offers lesson plans about Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona.

History Animated has a number of animations of military movements in the Pacific during WWII.

My Story: Pearl Harbor is an hour-by-hour account of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The account is told from the perspective of Dale and Johnie Gano who were stationed at Pearl Harbor.

Remembering Pearl Harbor is a CBS Sunday Morning segment that aired this morning. The segment features interviews with Pearl Harbor attack survivors.

The Smithsonian Channel offers audio of the only live news report from Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Images have been added to the audio to create the following video.

One of my favorite online history teachers, Keith Hughes, offers this seven minute lesson about Pearl Harbor.

And as always, Larry Ferlazzo has updated his list of Pearl Harbor resources that I recommend reviewing.
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