Anchor - Simple Podcasting

Earlier today I Tweeted a link to my first recording. Anchor provides a simple way to create and publish short podcasts. In fact, you can't record for more than two minutes at a time on the Anchor apps. I like that you cannot record for more than two minutes at a time. The time limit forces people to get to the point rather than filling time with buffer music, "words from our sponsors," and other filler conversation that doesn't add any value to the podcast.

When you publish on Anchor your podcast is open to voice responses from listeners. Listeners reply by just hitting the "reply" button below your published recording then speaking into their phones.

Applications for Education
Anchor is not a platform that I would recommend for student use. The commenting system is too open to be appropriate for classroom use (think YouTube comments without moderation). But Anchor could be a good platform for teachers or administrators who are looking for an easy way to create a professional development podcast.
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