Five Lessons On How Computers Work

We use them every day. Our students do the same. But do we ever stop and wonder how computers work? The latest Sci Show Kids episode explains in simple terms how computers work. The video contains fine explanations for elementary school students albeit a bit too fast-paced for my liking. Watching the video sent me on a quick search for more video lessons about how computers work.

The first place that I looked for a video about how computers work wasn't YouTube, it was Common Craft. Common Craft offers a video lesson on computer hardware and one on computer software. Both videos are appropriate for students of middle school age or older.

TED-Ed offers a couple of lessons on how computers function. The first, embedded below, covers how a computer's memory works and its function within a computer. The full lesson can be found here.

The second TED-Ed lesson on this topic explains how all of the parts of your computer work together to generate what you see on your screen.

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