Our president has shared that education is a civil rights issue of our time. He and his newly appointed Secretary of Education believe the solution is school choice in the form of charter schools and vouchers. While the concept makes sense at face value, when we scratch beneath the surface, it becomes clear that the solution is based on a premise riddled with misconceptions. These misconceptions were brought to light this week during the IQ2S Debate: Are Charter Schools Overrated. The debate was conducted by Intelligence Squared a nonpartisan organization that aims to restore civility, reasoned analysis, and constructive discourse to the often biased media landscape.
At the debate experts presented their case in an effort to help citizens answer the question, “Are charter schools overrated?” As the debate unfolded, several misconceptions the public has about charter schools were addressed. This enabled an online and live audience in New York City to come to an informed decision on issue of school choice.
These are the seven misconceptions addressed at the debate.
- Charter and public schools serve similar numbers of students with special needs and limited English proficiency
- Charter schools outperform public schools
- Charter schools are more innovative than traditional public schools
- Charter schools are a good solution for all children
- School choice is a civil rights issue
- Charter schools were created to help privatize education
- Public schools need rules and regulations that charter schools don’t
Interested to learn more about why each belief is a misconception? Read on.
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