Google Keep Is Now Part of G Suite's Core Services

Google Keep is my favorite tool for bookmarking, taking notes, and setting reminders. I use it on my laptop, Chromebook, my phone, and my iPad. For a couple of years it has been my go-to recommendation for anyone looking for a bookmarking tool, a reminder app, or a note-taking app. But the one drawback to it was that it wasn't a core part of G Suite for Education. That changed today.

Earlier today it was announced that Google Keep will become a core service in G Suite. This means that you'll be able to use Google Keep with your G Suite log-in. It also means that you will now be able to quickly more your Google Keep notes into your Google Documents. In Google Docs you will now see a "Keep notepad" option in the Docs toolbar. Open the toolbar and you will be able to drag notes from Keep into your document.

Learn more about how to use Google Keep in my playlist of tutorial videos about it.

It is important to note that the roll-out of the new Keep integration into Docs will take a few days for all users to see it. G Suite Admins may need to activate the Keep option in their admin panels.
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