February's Most Popular Posts on Free Technology for Teachers

Good evening from North Carolina where I'm getting ready for the NCTIES 17 conference. I look forward to this conference every year. There are so many engaged educators learning and sharing with each other. In some ways it feels like a huge EdCamp with structure (some of us like structure). If you're going to be at NCTIES 17, please say hello. I am running two workshops on Wednesday and my first presentation is on Thursday afternoon in Ballroom B where I'll be sharing Best of the Web 2017.

As I do at the end of every month, I have assembled the list of the most popular posts of the month. This list is based on total views and shares.

Here are February's most popular posts on FreeTech4Teachers.com:
1. The Things I Wish Every Teacher Knew About Technology...
2. My Five Most Frequently Recommended Google Forms Add-ons
3. How to Insert Videos Into Google Slides Without Using YouTube
4. Practical Ed Tech Handbook - 2017 Edition
5. 21 Tools for Conducting Digital Formative Assessments
6. Get a Free Presidential Timeline Poster for Your Classroom
7. 7 Places to Find Free Music & Sound Effects for Multimedia Projects
8. Tools for Creating, Hosting, and Printing Infographics
9. 5 Great Google Sheets Add-ons for Teachers
10. Quickly Create Bingo Boards In Google Sheets

Join me this summer for the Practical Ed Tech Chromebook Camp or the Practical Ed Tech BYOD Camp. Early registration and group discounts are available.

Please visit the official advertisers that help keep this blog going.
Practical Ed Tech is the brand through which I offer PD webinars.
Storyboard That is my go-to tool for creating storyboards.
QuickKey saves teachers tons of time when scoring formative assessments.
WriteReader is a fantastic multimedia writing tool for elementary school students.
Discovery Education & Wilkes University offer online courses for earning Master's degrees in Instructional Media.
PrepFactory offers a great place for students to prepare for SAT and ACT tests.
Boise State University offers a 100% online program in educational technology.
EdTechTeacher is hosts workshops in six cities in the U.S. in the summer.
My Simpleshow provides a great way to create explanatory videos.
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