Two Ways to Create Book Trailers on Chromebooks - Video Demonstration

A book trailer is a short video designed to entice someone else to read a book that you enjoyed. Having your students create book trailer videos is a nice alternative to the typical book report assignment.

I've previously shared an outline of the elements needed to create a book trailer video. Earlier this week someone asked me for recommendations for tools for creating book trailers on the Chromebooks in her classroom. The two video creation tools that I currently recommend are Adobe Spark and Stupeflix. The places that go for images, when I don't have any of my own to use, are Photos for Class and Pixabay. The simplest audio recording tool that I recommend to use on Chromebooks is Vocaroo. In the video embedded below I demonstrate how to use all of these tools except for Vocaroo.

More detailed Adobe Spark tutorials can be found here.
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