The Real Value of Google Forms, Sheets, and Add-ons

The first time that I figured out how to make a quiz in Google Forms, I was hooked. Then Kern Kelley showed me how to use a spreadsheet to automatically grade those quizzes (this was long before Flubaroo or even the idea of Add-ons) and I was in love. Those tools made it much quicker to score formative assessments, but more importantly it gave me more time to talk with my students and more time to spend on developing creative lesson ideas. 

In the years since I first used Google Forms and Sheets the tools have been refined and more options have been added. Along the way it has become easier to streamline other routine teacher tasks like emailing updates to parents, providing feedback on summative assessments, and even keeping track of classroom materials. Tutorials for many of those things can be found in the short videos on my YouTube channel. But if you desire more direct instruction with the opportunity to ask me questions directly, join me tomorrow for Google Forms & Sheets for Beginners
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