2016 Global Education Conference Starts Sunday - Important Information!


The 7th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) Starts Sunday! Important Updates Below.

The Global Education Conference Network's seventh annual global collaboration "extravaganza" will take place around the clock starting this Sunday, November 13, and continuing through Wednesday, November 16. The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend, and all events take place online in webinar format. We invite you to join the 24,000 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in more than 100 sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
  • Still Taking Proposals
  • Keynotes + Sessions
  • Presenters - Check Your Instructions
  • Volunteering + Advisory Board - We Need You!
  • Become a Partner Organization!
  • Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
  • Social Media
  • Amazing List of Currently Scheduled Sessions!
We're Still Taking Proposals!

The call for proposals was extended until tomorrow, until 7pm US Pacific Time on Friday, November 11th (click for your own time zone). We encourage all to submit by following the detailed directions listed here. You can present in your time zone at a time that is convenient to you!

Keynotes + Sessions

As usual, Lucy Gray has created an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup and it is still growing. Joseph Ball (Curriculum Coordinator, Crash Course), Kevin Baloyi (Teacher at LEAP Science and Maths School), Karen Blumberg (Technology Coordinator, The Brearley School), Tudor Clee (Touchable Earth), Tosca Killoran (NIST International School), Dr. Chip Kimball (Superintendent, Singapore American School), Lord Jim Knight (Chief Education Adviser , TES), Nate McClennen (Vice President for Education and Innovation, Teton Science Schools), Jeanne Meyers (Co-Founder/Director of MY HERO + Director of Media Arts Education), Wendy Milette (Director of Media Arts Education and the MY HERO Film Festival), Tonya Muro (iEARN-USA - Learning With the World), Beate Nguyen MA.Ed. (Principal, St. Augustine School [ADLA]), Karen Kirsch Page (Founder/Producer of K2 Productions Global and EdTech Summit Africa), Anne Polaski (Vice President, Pages for Peace Foundation), Diane Repaal (Advisor, Peace Club, Groton Dunstable Middle School / Pages for Peace Foundation), Jonathan Rochelle (Director of Product Mgmt - Google Apps for Education), David Ross (Chief Executive Officer, Partnership for 21st Century Learning), Dmitry Savelau (Campaigns Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Change.org), Terry Smith (Assistant Professor, Teacher Education, Radford University), Kevin Smith (Senior Director of Global Schools, VIF International Education), Dr. Tim Stuart (Executive Director of Strategic Programs, Singapore American School), and Susan Colt Willcox (President, Big Book: Pages For Peace).

You can also see the great list of currently accepted general sessions here and the list below of currently scheduled sessions.

Presenters - Please Check Your Instructions

Presenters:  make sure you have joined the presenter group on the site, that you have read carefully the instructions there and in the emails that have been sent to you, and that you have taken or watched the training (critical). The final live training is on Saturday, which you can access through the training page. Thank you!

Volunteering + Advisory Board - We Need You!

Truly, the volunteer moderators are the HEART of the conference. There is something about being a helper and contributor that makes the conference experience special, and a global camaraderie that develops across cultures and time zones that is incredible. You don’t need to be an expert in the Blackboard Collaborate platform to help (we give you training and then live help at the time), but it makes a HUGE different to presenters to have a moderator helper in their session rooms, and we try to make sure there is one for every session! Please consider joining the team--we really need you! And we promise you, it will elevate your own conference experience to a new level. Join the volunteer team here. (AND students can be volunteer moderators and it is a great experience for them--ask them to sign up!)

Anyone can apply to be a member of the Outreach and Advisory Board. Advisory board members are officially recognized on the website and are asked to actively promote both participation and attendance at the conference, post conference information to social media, encourage educators and students to submit proposals for the conference, host in person viewing parties in your school or workplace, help us find additional partner organizations in their region(s), and if possible, help moderate sessions during the actual conference. Join here.

Become a Partner Organization!

The Global Education Conference also seeks outreach partners with non-profit organizations and schools. Help us spread the word about this unique and free professional development event, and we will list your organization’s information on our web site. To indicate your support fostering global awareness through education, please sign up for this program and follow these instructions.

Thanks to the GEC Sponsors

Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon (steve@hargadon.com) about opportunities to get involved with our community. Our founding sponsor International Education Resources Network (IEARN) will continue to support us for the 2016 Global Education Conference. iEARN is also joined by other major supporters, TESGoogle for Education, and VIF International Education. See our other sponsors, supporters, and partners on the conference website.

Social Media

To learn more, explore and share these resources:

Amazing List of Currently Scheduled Sessions!

To see the full list of currently scheduled sessions, in your own time zone, go here.
  • #GlobalSpeedChat--A Worldwide Collaboration of Students - Jennifer Hesseltine & Kim Preshoff, Teachers in New York
  • A Case Study in Global Business Awareness - Connecting Students to the World Marketplace - Penny Lorenzo, JD
  • Agentes De Cambio - Pedro Aparicio M.S.
  • American Literature and History as a Springboard into Global Social Issues - Mr. Ryan Smith
  • Assessing Cross-Cultural Skills in Experiential Learning and Study Abroad - Rebecca Smolar, Manager of Education
  • Authentic Global Connections through an Inquiry Lens - Jason Graham- Digital Literacy Coach
  • Becoming a Global Administrator in K-12 Schools - Dr. Sara Whitaker, Consultant
  • Blog Building: The Basics of Shaping & Sharing Your Voice as a Global Educator - Heather Singmaster, Host, Global Learning Blog, Education Week
  • Bringing the world into your K-5 classroom with new technology can help tackle prejudice before it begins. - Sanny Zuiderveld, co-founder
  • Bringing the World to Your Classroom - Connie Rensink
  • Building Bridges Though Intercultural Communication - Joe McVeigh, Author and Educational Consultant
  • Building Global Connections with Out of Eden Learn - Rob Martin, Middle School Social Studies Teacher
  • Challenge Based Learning: Take Action. Make a Difference. - Mark Nichols, Digital Promise Fellow
  • Citizen Journalism - Lesley Farmer, Professor of Library Media
  • CLASS: Connected Learning Activities through Social Service - Sebastian Panakal, Chairperson
  • Classrooms without Borders: A Teacher's Guide to International Collaborative Projects - Philip J. Wagener - Secondary Social Studies Instructor and Digital Classroom Leader
  • Collaborative learning through an online magazine -iMagzz - Making Myself Heard - Geeta Rajan,Head,International Affairs
  • Committing Global Knowledge to Action Through Project Based Learning - Jim Zacchini, Senior Implementation Associate
  • Cómo Preparar Alumnos para el Siglo XXl Con Pocos Recursos - Fabiana Casella
  • Connecting India Around The World - Ms Poonam Sharma
  • Create globally connected students with a 'school within a school' - Kyle Wagner- Futures Academy Coordinator at The International School of Beijing
  • Create meaningful classroom experiences by connecting your classroom with a school in a developing country - Joanne Trangle, Executive Director
  • Creating Broader Perspectives Through Oral History - Ryan Harwood - Technology Integration Coach
  • Creating Global Citizens in the 21st Century - Chantelle Kohn, Program Director
  • Creating Global Competency by Infusing Media Asset Projects into your Classroom - Darla Kay Hill, Education Consultant and EdTech Strategist
  • Daffodils & Tulips - Ruty Hotzen
  • Educación Expandida: Creación colaborativa - Profesora Cristina Velázquez
  • Effective Use of Collaborative Online Discussion Boards and Netiquette Guidelines - Nadine Aboulmagd, Online Content Developer
  • EFL Youth Voices Project - Dr Daniela Munca-Aftenev
  • El acceso global de profesores y estudiantes mediante cursos de micro aprendizaje y mensajería instantánea - Carlos Bravo Reyes PhD
  • El Continuum de "Asociaciones Globales": Creando Intercambios Globales que Funccionan - Jennifer D. Klein, Educadora Global y Autora
  • Engaging K-12 Students in Meaningful Global Discussions with WorldVuze - Julia Coburn, Executive Director and Co-Founder of WorldVuze
  • Enhancing Understanding in the Culturally-Diverse or Globally-Connected Classroom Using Screencasts - Dr. Crystal L. Sears, M.A., LLPC - Faculty
  • Establishing and Running a Successful Two-Way Home Stay Exchange Program - Thomas Kennelly
  • Estructuración y reestructuración de modelos y esquemas mentales con recursos digitales" - Maestro en Ciencias Alfonso Ángel Carballo Hernández
  • Excursions in Mathematics: A Global Education Project - Tammy L Jones, Consultant
  • Experiential Learning: Discover Cuba Without a Passport - Ruth Valle, Spanish Teacher
  • Exploring Policy Experimentation in Education: The Youth Start – Entrepreneurial Challenges Project - Sérgio Leal
  • Factors causing student anxiety in English speaking class: from first year students’ perspectives - Dr Thi Tuyet Tran
  • Faculty Inspiring World-Ready Educators: Global Ed Catches FIRE in Rural Virginia - Patricia Talbot, Associate Professor
  • Finding Solutions to Hunger - Mary Brownell – iEARN Project Facilitator
  • Five Years of Global Learning in a Little World- HLW Skypers - Anne Mirtschin
  • Generation Global: Navigating Difference Through Dialogue - Mrs. Muna Abbas
  • Girl`s Empowerment: Steps and Examples for Building Projects in Local Communities - Montserrat Fregoso Fonseca/ Industrial and System Engineering Student/ Freshmen
  • Global Citizenship Professional Development for K-12 Teachers - Mabel Bashorun
  • Global Classrooms - Teresa Kramarz, Assistant Professor
  • Global Collaboration Creates Bridges for Globa Citizens - Kheira Mezough , Country Coordinator
  • Global Connections & Geographic Resources: Approaches in Inquiry - Laura Krenicki, Educator
  • Global Connections & Project Based Learning: Travel, Tech, and History - Natasha Jenkins, Social Sciences Educator
  • Global Food Security Resources: Collaboration between agriculture and education - Jane Hunt, Education Consultant
  • Global Learning: Exploring the World After School - Mary Grenz Jalloh, Director
  • Global Mapping using Google, Webtools and Apps - Kathy Beck Instructional Technology Coordinator
  • Global Network of Remote Labs - Sérgio Leal
  • Global Teacher Leaders: a Machine to Get Global Education Moving! - Dr. Rachel Clarke, Principal
  • Globalizing the English Common Core Reading Materials - Ashley Gwinn Master Teacher and Curriculum Specialist
  • Gomabseubnida, Seoul: How My Summer in Korea Made Me a Better Teacher. - Amy M. Barrios, Ed.D.; Associate Professor
  • Harmonizing Global Alliances: A Case Study of Afghanistan - Maria A. Beebe, Ph.D., Anthropology Department Affiliate
  • Help Your Students Climb the Three Levels of Culture - Harry G Tuttle, Ed. D.
  • Host Family Experiences in Study Abroad - Alexi Kim
  • How can you build your personal global competence? One teacher’s journey in the Global Competence Certificate program - Jennifer Boyle, Global Competence Certificate Program Manager
  • How to facilitate cross-cultural projects in a digital exchange - Jack Haskell, teacher and educational coordinator
  • Impact of STEM learning program on main stream education - Ms. Alema Nasim
  • Increasing Global Competence in K-12 Education - Ann C. Gaudino, Ed.D.
  • Inspiring a Shared Sense of Humanity - Lamisa Mustafa, Student President
  • Inspiring Global Youth and Promoting critical thinking - Victoria Liu, Founder
  • Integrating Dual Language with Global Learning through Project-Based Inquiry - Meg Van Voorhis, Manager of Curriculum and Instructional Services
  • International Book Club: Getting Readers Connected - Fay Stump, Library Media Specialist
  • Join MY HERO to Inspire, Connect and EMPOWER students to become Global and Active Citizens using our Multi-Media Tools! - Wendy Milette, Director of Media Arts Education & Film Festival
  • Leadership and Innovation in Education - reflections with an international perspective - Mr Tim McNevin
  • Learning for a Purpose and Caring about the World with The Dream Flag Project - Jeff Harlan, Co-Founder
  • Learning to Ask Better Questions, Together. - Reuben Thiessen, CTO
  • Let’s Teach The World! How To Make ‘Universal Education Provision’ Reality - Leah K Stewart, Performance Poet & Education Consultant
  • Living Language: Supporting Adolescent Learners in Immersion Environments - Kripa Bhagat, Resident Director for NSLI-Y Taiwan
  • Master Project- Based Learning in 5 simple steps - Kyle Wagner: School Transformation and Project- Based Learning Coach
  • Meaningful Learning through the Access Program - Nadina Carmen Nicolici, Head of Department
  • Middle School General Music...A Provincial Dumping Ground or Global Oasis? - Kathryn Smith, Middle School General Music Teacher
  • My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action - Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, iEARN USA Project Facilitator and Social Studies Teacher
  • Native Voices, Cultures and Stories: Supporting Multicultural Programming and Community Engagement Through the Library Diversity Committee - Raymond Pun, first year student success librarian
  • Not me! Unconscious Bias in our Global Classrooms - Adam Holden, Head of Academic Planning & Resources
  • Notes from the Field: Dual Language and Global Content in Action - Rocio Aguilar, Instructional Specialist
  • Nuggets from the Gold Mine: Resources and Opportunities for Global Perspectives - Jay Harris, President and Creative Producer
  • One Heart Anti-Bullying Program - Janet Lee-Instructional Designer
  • Partners of the Americas and iEARN: The Power of Connections and International Collaboration in Education - Mr. André Hedlund
  • Photojournalism for covering social issues in Tajikistan – raise the youth voice. - Firuz Baratov
  • Preparation for Teaching in a Global Classroom - Heather MacCleoud, Director – Academic Programs
  • Promoting Student Success in Statistics by Investigating Worldwide global problems - Larry Musolino
  • Publishing Student-Created eBooks to Foster Collaborative Global Sharing and Building of Knowledge - Francis Jim Tuscano, Grade School Teacher and Ed Tech Coach and Consultant
  • Responding to the Need for Religious Literacy in Education - Timothy Hall, Ph.D., Director of Academics
  • Robotics Unplugged: Introduction to Engineering - Melda N Yildiz
  • Sharing International Exchange Through Mutlimedia - Elaine Huang, Alumna
  • Storytelling goes global - Ms Silvana Carnicero
  • Strategies to Increase Student Transfer of Knowledge to Real-World Contexts & Facilitate 21st Century Skills - Tamara Galoyan, Ph.D. student
  • Student driven eco-initiatives towards United Nation's Sustainable Developmental Goals - a case study & invite to join the movement - Ms. Kamal Preet
  • Students as Global Leaders and Collaborators: The 2017 Student STEM + Entrepreneurship Conference - Eunice Daudu and Gaby Palines, Co-Coordinators, The 2017 Student STEM + Entrepreneurship Conference
  • Students Investigate Culture Through Ethnography and Mobile Devices - Harry G Tuttle, Ed. D.
  • Study Abroad, Language Acquisition and Cultural Competencies A Case Study - Nadra Garas
  • Studying Abroad and Its Broad Impact for Nursing Students in Diploma Programs - Nicole Hall
  • Supporting Global Education in the Media Center and Throughout Your School - Daryl Weakland - School Library Media Coordinator
  • Take Learning Out of Your Seats and Around the World! - Stephanie Suter, 4th Grade Teacher
  • Talking Kites Around the World - Ruty Hotzen
  • Teacher Travel = Student Learning - Connie
  • The 5 SIMPLE step- process for mastering global project- based learning experiences - Kyle Wagner- Futures Academy Coordinator at The International School of Beijing
  • The concept of participation in education and learning: What can the educational field learn from other domains? - Ioana Literat, Assistant Professor of Communication, Media and Learning Technologies Design
  • The Global Impact of iEARN: Shaping Global Education through Collaboration - Jennifer Russell, iEARN Executive Council Member\
  • The importance of global education to the inquiry approach to learning in preparing the child for the 21st century - Paul Loranger
  • The importance of mother tongues preserving in a global world. - Andreea Dahlquist, teacher
  • The Partnership Continuum: Building Global Partnerships that Work - Jennifer D. Klein, Global Educator and Author
  • The Power of Global Collaboration Projects - Brad Bielawski - Teacher
  • The Power of Possibility - Peter Bishop, Exec Director
  • The role of curriculum in teachers’ understanding of Global Citizenship Education in one of public schools in Akmola region, Kazakhstan - Mrs.Zhanar Ordabayeva
  • The Role of Social-Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness in Global Citizenship - Theo Koffler, Founder and Senior Facilitator
  • Tips To Prepare Students for a 21st Century Global Class With 20th Century Environment - Mrs Fabiana Casella
  • Using Blackboard Collaborate, Moddle and Collaborative tools in a European and American Educational Diplomacy Programme - The Example of the Transatlantic Dialogue - Fabrice Fresse
  • Using Digital Media for Global Collaboration: A Look at Two iEARN Projects - Chris Baer, Arts and Technology Teacher, iEARN Project Facilitator and Curriculum Developer
  • Using TED Ed to improve your student reseach and learning - David J. Burt
  • VIOLA - Values In Our Lives Always - Mr Drew Buddie
  • We Can Change the Picture With The "Matrix of a Learner" - Tracy Hanson, Founder
  • What does it take to make the world our classroom - Anne Mirtschin
  • What roles can school librarians play in global cultural competence? - Dr. Lesley Farmer, Professor of Library Media
  • Where Do The Children Play - Freda Goodman
  • Why Baki Matters: Stories and Projects from Silk Road - Melda Yildiz, Ed.D.

That's all for now. Be sure to join the Global Education Conference network to receive daily updates about the conference and notice of any changes. Thank you for your continuing support, and...

See you online!

Steve Hargadon and Lucy Gray
GEC Co-Chairs

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