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- Recordings of any sessions that have taken place will accessible on the conference recordings page, usually within a few minutes after a session has ended.
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#globaled16 Loving presentation by Kathy Beck on Global Google Mapping! Tons of great ideas & resources--all free! …
The list of today's sessions, in US-Eastern Standard Time, is below. To see the the full conference schedule in your own time zone, with the direct links to session rooms, go to the conference schedule page.
Want to volunteer to help moderate sessions? It's not too late! Sign up and information here. It's a ton of fun, you'll be doing some good, and you'll have the undying gratitude of the conference organizers!
Monday, November 14th
6:00am- Building Global Connections with Out of Eden Learn - Rob Martin, Middle School Social Studies Teacher
- (iEARN) Living Language: Supporting Adolescent Learners in Immersion Environments - Kripa Bhagat, Resident Director for NSLI-Y Taiwan
- Global Teacher Leaders: a Machine to Get Global Education Moving! - Dr. Rachel Clarke, Principal
- (iEARN) International Book Club: Getting Readers Connected - Fay Stump, Library Media Specialist
- Global Invaders and How We Can Stop Them - Lauren Miles
- Human Rights Colonialism and Globalization. Developing a Transformational Experience for Students - Richard C. Close CEO Founder
- La gestión de networking y redes sociales como estrategia de innovación educativa. - Diego Apolo
- KEYNOTE: Lord Jim Knight
- Help Your Students Climb the Three Levels of Culture - Harry G Tuttle, Ed. D.
- Not me! Unconscious Bias in our Global Classrooms - Adam Holden, Head of Academic Planning & Resources
- The Power of Possibility - Peter Bishop, Exec Director
- The Role of Social-Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness in Global Citizenship - Theo Koffler, Founder and Senior Facilitator
- (iEARN) Daffodils & Tulips - Ruty Hotzen
- Challenge Based Learning: Take Action. Make a Difference. - Mark Nichols, Digital Promise Fellow
- Engaging K-12 Students in Meaningful Global Discussions with WorldVuze - Julia Coburn, Executive Director and Co-Founder of WorldVuz
- Global Learning: Exploring the World After School - Mary Grenz Jalloh, Director
- Students Investigate Culture Through Ethnography and Mobile Devices - Harry G Tuttle, Ed. D.
- KEYNOTE: Karen Blumberg, Karen Kirsch Page, + Kevin Baloyi - "EdTech Summit Africa"
- Global Citizenship Professional Development for K-12 Teachers - Mabel Bashorun
- Join MY HERO to Inspire, Connect and EMPOWER students to become Global and Active Citizens using our Multi-Media Tools! - Wendy Milette, Director of Media Arts Education & Film Festival
- Meaningful Learning through the Access Program - Nadina Carmen Nicolici, Head of Department
- Responding to the Need for Religious Literacy in Education - Timothy Hall, Ph.D., Director of Academics
- Becoming a Global Administrator in K-12 Schools - Dr. Sara Whitaker, Consultant
- Gomabseubnida, Seoul: How My Summer in Korea Made Me a Better Teacher. - Amy M. Barrios, Ed.D.; Associate Professor
- Let’s Teach The World! How To Make ‘Universal Education Provision’ Reality - Leah K Stewart, Performance Poet & Education Consultant
- Native Voices, Cultures and Stories: Supporting Multicultural Programming and Community Engagement Through the Library Diversity Committee - Raymond Pun, first year student success librarian
- KEYNOTE: Nate McClennen - "The Power of Place: Reconnecting Schools and Communities to Change the World"
- (iEARN) My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action - Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, iEARN USA Project Facilitator and Social Studies Teacher
- Exploring Policy Experimentation in Education: The Youth Start – Entrepreneurial Challenges Project - Sérgio Leal
- Inspiring a Shared Sense of Humanity - Lamisa Mustafa, Student President
- Using Blackboard Collaborate, Moddle and Collaborative tools in a European and American Educational Diplomacy Programme - The Example of the Transatlantic Dialogue - Fabrice Fresse
- Why Baki Matters: Stories and Projects from Silk Road - Melda Yildiz, Ed.D.
- (iEARN) Sharing International Exchange Through Mutlimedia - Elaine Huang, Alumna
- A Case Study in Global Business Awareness - Connecting Students to the World Marketplace - Penny Lorenzo, JD
- Assessing Cross-Cultural Skills in Experiential Learning and Study Abroad - Rebecca Smolar, Manager of Education
- Create meaningful classroom experiences by connecting your classroom with a school in a developing country - Joanne Trangle, Executive Director
- Storytelling goes global - Ms Silvana Carnicero
- KEYNOTE: Anne Polaski + Diane Repaal - "Pages for Peace Foundation"
- Establishing and Running a Successful Two-Way Home Stay Exchange Program - Thomas Kennelly
- Personalizing Learning by Pursuing Student Passions in a Global Learning Community - Dr. Julie Barrett, Consultant
- The People's Market - Cheryl Nelson
- Women + Web = - Kim Wilkens, technology activist
- How can you build your personal global competence? One teacher’s journey in the Global Competence Certificate program - Jennifer Boyle, Global Competence Certificate Program Manager
- Voice Pals: Lessons learned from developing an international audio pen-pal program - Linda Ciano, Clinical Assistant Professor
- KEYNOTE: David Ross - "Six Strategies for Supporting Global Ed"
- Authentic Global Connections through an Inquiry Lens - Jason Graham- Digital Literacy Coach
- Strategies to Increase Student Transfer of Knowledge to Real-World Contexts & Facilitate 21st Century Skills - Tamara Galoyan, Ph.D. student
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