June 24th - July 6th, 2015
Two Week Calendar | Learning Revolution Events | Learning Revolution Blog | Partner Spotlight | Daily Education Quotes and Commentary
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Two Week Calendar
- Wednesday, June 24th from 11am - 7:15pm EDT Future Ready Virtual Summit: 2015 School Leadership Summit, Future Ready Schools: 2015 School Leadership Summit will be held online using Google Hangouts on Air. The event will be free for all to attend and to watch the recordings. You must register to watch the event live or to see the recordings. For more information and to register, please go to http://www.futureready.education.
- Wednesday, June 24th at 4pm edWeb Webinar: Are You Ready for BYOD?, Have you been thinking about BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)? Are you ready to learn more? In this webinar, Rachelle Wooten, Digital Learning Specialist at Fort Bend ISD, will provide a primer on BYOD, including digital tool recommendations, classroom management tips, lesson planning, and teaching tips. Rachelle facilitates the BYOD training in her district and has developed her own model: R.E.A.D.I.E.E to help teachers be Ready for BYOD. Whether you’re new or familiar with BYOD, get some helpful tips for your program during this live, interactive session. Rachelle will field questions from attendees after her presentation. Registration information here.
- Thursday, June 25th at 3pm edWeb Webinar: The Art of Procurement: Balancing Price versus Performance, Common Sense Education’s Essential Elements for 1:1 Learning is a monthly webinar series that details strategies and practical advice about 1:1 learning programs. Learn how to personalize these essential elements for your schools. The series is presented by Jeff Mao and Steve Garton, who lead the Maine Learning Technology Initiative program for a decade. Registration information here.
- Friday, June 26th at 3pm Starting to Homeschool: The Teenage Years, How can a teen's needs best be met by homeschooling? Let's talk about unschooling and homeschooling high school, how to decide if college is right for you, and how to take on internships, apprenticeships, work, and travel. We will explore the many different ways teens and young adults can join the adult world and make their way into meaningful work with or without a college degree. We’ll explore the college admission process for homeschoolers and present resources for creating successful applications. We’ll also talk about Uncollege and DIY College, among other options that are available. Register to view here.
- Friday, June 26th - July 1st in Philadelphia, PA 2015 ISTE Unplugged, Each year hundreds of educators interested in social media, technology, teaching, and learning gather to build and participate in "unplugged"-style activities as a part of the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) conference. Go to www.isteunplugged.com and read below for details of this year's events. We're looking forward to seeing you there!
As part of ISTE Unplugged we've launched the UNAWARDS site, where you can give your own personal education award to anyone you'd like. Go to UNAWARDS.com and share some love! - Sunday, June 28th at 9am in Philadelphia, PA Invent to Learn Day of Hard Fun @ ISTE 2015, Join Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager for an energizing day of learning using modern tools and technology. Making, PBL, STEM and more all on the menu for this hands-on, heads-in workshop. More information here.
- Sunday, June 28th at 2pm in Philadelphia, PA Global Education Day at #ISTE2015, Join Lucy Gray, Steve Hargadon, VIF International Education and many members of the Global Education Conference community on Sunday, June 28th from 2-5 PM at the Philadelphia Convention Center (Room 103BC) for a special face-to-face meeting. Sign up to be put on the waitlist!
All events are listed in US-Eastern Time. To become an event partner and have your events listed here, please email amy@learningrevolution.com. For a full calendar of all upcoming events and conferences, click here.
Learning Revolution Events
Future Ready Schools: 2015 School Leadership Summit, June 24th
Each year TICAL holds an annual School Leadership Summit. This year's Summit, on June 24th from 8:00-4:30 PDT, will focus on the pillars of the U.S. Department of Education's Future Ready Pledge. The Pledge is a commitment by district leaders to work with educators, families, and community members to make all schools in their districts Future Ready. Future Ready Schools: 2015 School Leadership Summit will be held online using Google Hangouts on Air. The event will be free for all to attend and to watch the recordings. You must register to watch the event live or to see the recordings. This is truly a collaborative event made possible by the leading organization and event partners. For more information and to register, please go to http://www.futureready.education.
2015 ISTE Unplugged Events, June 26th - July 1st
Thanks to our generous friends at ISTE.org, our NINTH annual set of extra-curricular events at the ISTE conference this year will launch on the Friday before ISTE (June 26th) with an all-day open Maker Day--expect lots of table, activities, and fun for all ages, geared toward education. Saturday's all-day unconference features special guest Audrey Watters again this year, and huge shout-out to this year's unconference and evening party sponsor, StudyBlue and Shutterfly. Sunday is our fourth annual Global Education Summit, a three-hour event + connecting party you don't want to miss. The Bloggers' Cafe will be open Friday - Wednesday, and we're really hoping to add an education slam poetry event still. Stay tuned for all events at http://www.ISTEunplugged.com, which also has Facebook event links for each activity.
Global Education Day at ISTE 2015, June 28th
Join Lucy Gray, Steve Hargadon, VIF International Education and many members of the Global Education Conference community on Sunday, June 28th from 2-5 PM at the Philadelphia Convention Center (Room 103BC) for a special face-to-face meeting in which you can connect and collaborate with other globally-minded educators.
- Global Education Day Information + Schedule
- Free Registration Add Yourself to the Waitlist!
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Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference: Tools, Skills & Competencies, October 20th
The fifth annual global conversation about the future of libraries is scheduled for Tuesday, October 20th, 2015. The conference will be held entirely online and is free to attend. Everyone is invited to participate in this open forum designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among information professionals worldwide. The Call for Proposals will open May 1st, immediately following the Library 2.015 Spring Summit (which had over 2,000 registrants and the recordings for which are now available). See this year's conference strands and plan to get your proposal in early. We are looking forward to the fifth year of this this momentous event, and to your participation!
- Conference Strands
- Call for Proposals
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2015 Global Education Conference, November 16th - November 19th
The sixth annual Global Education Conference is a free week-long online event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world. This year's conference will take place Monday, November 16 through Thursday, November 19, 2015. The call for proposals will open on June 28, 2015. The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for connecting classrooms while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity and educational access for all.
- Call for Proposals Open June 28th
- Conference Strands
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Learning Revolution Blog Posts
Check out or subscribe to our new curated blog of posts from around the web that are focused on the disruptions taking place in teaching and learning: blog.learningrevolution.com. If we've missed a story, send it to blog@learningrevolution.com.- Something has gone very wrong with science - Stephen's Web ~ OLDaily
- We could surprise them and they could see that we are good kids - Dangerously Irrelevant
- Highly trained, respected and free: why Finland's teachers are different - Network Front | The Guardian
- Hacking Libraries - Spigot!
- Vietnam's 'stunning' rise in school standards
- Teacher Tom: Your Child Is Not "Falling Behind"
- What are the Best Ways a Teacher can Demonstrate Leadership in the Classroom? - Langwitches Blog
- Academic publishers reap huge profits as libraries go broke - Stephen's Web ~ OLDaily
- ALA and ISTE: How Best to Plan, Learn, Network, Party, and Follow Up - School Library Journal
Partner Spotlight
Know My World is a global education resource that connects participants digitally in shared learning experiences through digital cross-cultural exchange and social, emotional and cultural projects. Interested participants contact Know My World via an email request form on our website and are matched from our global database with a partner school in another country. Exchange relationships are facilitated and managed by a KMW staff member. Participants work with the KMW facilitator and each other to collaborate and plan projects for their students. More information at http://knowmyworld.org/.
Daily Education Quotes and Commentary
Click through to see or subscribe to my daily education quote and commentary on my blog.- "You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence." - Abraham Lincoln
- "Life is a succession of lessons, which must be lived to be understood." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- "The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursuing his education. This will not be a widely shared pursuit until we get over our odd conviction that education is what goes on in school buildings and nowhere else." - John W. Gardner
- "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." - Lily Tomlin
See you online!
Steve Hargadon
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