2014 Global Education Conference Starts Today - Day 1 Schedule


Today the fifth annual Global Education Conference kicks off. This is our free, five-day, online event that brings together educators and innovators from around the world, with sessions held around the clock to accommodate participant time zones. With over 250 sessions and 30 keynotes, it is an incredible opportunity to connect with and learn from educators, organizations, and students focused on globally-connected learning and supporting cultural awareness and educational access.

The list of today's sessions, in US-Eastern Standard Time, is below. To see the the full conference schedule in your own time zone, with the direct links to session rooms, go to the conference schedule page. To continue to receive daily conference schedule lists by email, be sure to join the conference network. Follow the conference through Twitter using the hashtag #globaled14. Session recordings are posted immediately following each session.

And... we still need more volunteers to help moderate sessions! Sign up and information here. It's a ton of fun, you'll be doing some good, and you'll have the undying gratitude of the conference organizers!

Monday, November 17th
  • Global Education Conference Welcome
  • KEYNOTE: Christie Vilsack on "Developing Partnerships"
  • A Simulation of Ellis Island Leads to Better International Awareness - Ric White, 7th Grade Teacher
  • How to create a student centered global classroom using Skype, Twitter and blogs - Ann Michaelsen, teacher and administrator
  • The Youth Design Summit: Bridging Creativity Internationally - Katherine Ganim, Co-Director
  • Collaboration with TwitCast - Dr. M. Monte Tatom; Director of iLearn Program & Associate Professor of Education
  • Educomunicación, Identidad y cultura - Antonia Rosa Díaz-Ciencias de la Educación- Estudiante universitaria y docente en Educación Secundaria
  • MY HERO presents New Media Technology for Global and Local Activism! - Wendy Milette, Director of Media Arts Education
  • KEYNOTE: Kathleen Schwille
  • Maps Matter: Making Sense of Maps - Michael O. Johnston, Ph.D.
  • The Role of Open Educational Resources in Developing Globally Diverse Courses. - Adam Holden, Assistant Professor & Chair
  • Transforming Teacher Education through Transdisciplinary and Translational Research - Melda N. Yildiz, Teacher Educator
  • What can we learn from 'top-performing' education systems? - Lucy Crehan, Education Explorer
  • KEYNOTE: Amy Shaffer on "The Library: Global Clubhouse for Creative Good"
  • KEYNOTE: George Saltsman on "Preparing Leaders for Global Education"
  • Connecting for Cross-Cultural Dialogue Globally - Simmi Kher, Education Consultant
  • Empowering and Inspiring Youth to Start Small Businesses for Social Good - Jessica Charles, One Hen Program Manager
  • Feedback-Are You Doing Your Part? - Yvonna Sarkees, PAO Mentor
  • Global Buddy – Lessons From a Student-run Initiative to Connect Schools - Dylan de Waart, Founder and Director
  • Global Bridges Project- Creating Global Citizens by Connecting Students Around the World Through Relevant, Collaborative Projects - Lili Monk Director of the Global Bridges Project
  • GLOBAL LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES: Business and Education Perspectives - EDUARDO R. RIVAS, Ed.D., Leadership Program Professor
  • MOOcs como herramienta de aprendizaje - Elsa Daniela Pérez Mendía
  • SPOTLIGHT: Flat Connectors - Global Collaborators - Meet and Share - Julie Lindsay
  • The quiet leader: leadership attributes of elementary school social studies teachers in an era of deep change - Katherine Ireland
  • 21st Century Learning - Brennan Heil Learning Online
  • Cultural Diversity and Appreciation by Exchanging Greeting Cards - Mrs Judy Barr
  • Pen Pals Around the World~ Pen Pals por el Mundo - Sarah Burke
  • The Impact of the iEARN Photojournalism 2.104 Heritage, Hunger and Food Security Program: Reports from students and educators in Pakistan, Tajikistan and the United States - Dr. Fenot Aklog, Adjunct Associate Professor and Director of Research and De
  • Using Multiple Student Perspectives to Break the “Single Story” - Julia Coburn, Executive Director
  • A Virtual Trip to Asia - Ms Paramita Roy
  • Global Collaboration in Science Education - Jill Nugent
  • Going Global: A Literacy, a Process, a Library Call to Action - Joyce Valenza, Assistant Professor
  • Using skype , google hangout and writing mails/letters to help small students in a little classroom to open their eyes to the large world outside - Tóthné Bán Gyöngyi

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