Thursday, November 20th, is day four of the fifth annual Global Education Conference. (Actually, it started already, but I was so exhausted yesterday I fell asleep without realizing I hadn't posted the next day's schedule!) We had yet another great day of sessions and keynotes on Wednesday, and the recordings of any sessions that have taken place are accessible on the conference recordings page (which includes the ones listed below up until you get this note).
The list of today's sessions, in US-Eastern Standard Time, is below. To see the the full conference schedule in your own time zone, with the direct links to session rooms, go to the conference schedule page. Follow the conference through Twitter using the hashtag #globaled14. Session recordings are posted immediately following each session.
Special thanks today to the overnight Australia volunteer team (Julie, Anne,and Sue) who are allowing me and Lucy to get some sleep! We do always need more volunteers to help moderate sessions, join us here.
Thursday, November 20th
(US-Eastern Time)
- The Wonderful Third Life! - Head of Education Leena Hannula
- KEYNOTE: Omashani Naidoo - "Teacher Professional Development- A South African Perspective"
- "Uniendo Voluntades": Voluntad de mejorar la Educación + volundad de mejorar el Aprendizaje de los Estudiantes - Profesora Cristina Velázquez
- A Strategy for Globalizing Secondary School: Global Citizenship/Competency Certificates - Peter Gilmartin, Program Director
- Educator+: Taking the Google+ Step to connect educators and communities for accessible learning - Robby Fernandez
- Feedback-Are You Doing Your Part? - Yvonna Sarkees, PAO Mentor
- SPOTLIGHT: Global Collaboration - The Student Perspective - Amy Jambor & Sheri Williams, Teachers
- Maximize Collaboration and Sharing with Google+ Hangouts - Ms Rita Zeinstejer - EFL Teacher and Teacher Trainer
- SPOTLIGHT: Developing the New global EFA Framework: Post 2015 perspectives and processes across the world - Anjela Taneja, Head of Policy
- Teachers - Elena Voloshina
- The Ebola Crisis: How the International Community is Responding and What Students Can Do to Help - Amiena Mahsoob, Director of Education Programs
- Using Video to Teach EFL in a Cultural Context - Mr. Mohamed Ramadan Mahmoud Mohamed
- KEYNOTE: Jim Wynn and Gavin Dykes on "Education Fast Forward, The first four years and the next 200."
- Building and Maintaining a Virtual Global Community: Global Partners in Education - Dr. Jami Leibowitz, Interim Director of Global Academic Initiatives and Director of Global Understanding
- Connecting with Coding: The Flat Scratch Cat Project - Jennifer Fenton, Technology for Learning Coordinator
- Opening Doors to Global Experiences, Cultural Immersion, and Volunteerism - Sheryl Bone, MAT Professor
- SPOTLIGHT: The Youth Influence on Education Policy - Aja Watkins; student and youth advocate
- The role of ELT+IT in promoting global collaboration and networking in professional development - Mr. Victor Hugo ROJAS B.
- Conceptualizing Violence and Leveraging Skype to Promote World peace - Dr. Chris Deason and Abrahim Bahiti, BA
- Modelo del Diseño instruccional para las aulas digitales que emplean Moodle en ambientes a distancia - Carlos Bravo Reyes PhD
- SPOTLIGHT: Students Presenting A Week in the Life - Environmental Issues - Toni Olivieri-Barton, IB Coordinator & Teacher Librarian
- Tastes Great! Less Filling! Urban high school students maximize global learning through iEARN Photojournalism 2.104 Heritage, Hunger and Food Security Program - Chris Lazarski, Teacher
- KEYNOTE: Vicky Colbert - Escuela Nueva: Quality Education for Peace and Democracy
- Anxiety Factors in the Saudi EFL Learners - Ms. Fariha Asif
- Education for a Better World Imaginarium: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Global Education Lesson Plans - Lisa Swayhoover, Ph.D.
- SPOTLIGHT: La Red Interamericana de Educación Docente (RIED): Actividades y Herramientas para la Profesión Docente en las Américas - María José de León, Consultora en Educación
- TakingITGlobal's Free Virtual Thematic Classroom - Tania Rashid, Global Education Program Administrator
- The Global Experience Continues: Research and Experience from an Exchange Student on Reverse Culture Shock - Ellen Street, Research Assistant
- Creating Connections for Remote Faculty Members - Marla Cartwright, Faculty Developer
- Cómo Crear Cursos Virtuales Con Sólo Una Conexión a Internet ... y No Morir en el Intento - William Colmenares
- Measurement of Global Thinking Levels via Analyses of Solutions to Problems - Marina P. Bonser, Ph.D.
- SMILE Together: Collaborative, Inquiry-based Learning using Innovative Hardware and Software. - Reuben Thiessen, Chief Information Officer
- The World at Your Fingertips: Media Resources for the Global Classroom - Jennifer Hanson, Librarian
- Food, Photos, and Tajikistan - Roslynne McCarthy
- KEYNOTE: Rebecca Winthrop on "Global Education: Progress, Needs and Opportunities"
- KEYNOTES: Alaine Newland & Emily Havens on OpenIDEO
- The Dream Flag Project -- empowering and developing global awareness for K-12 students around the world - Jeff Harlan, Director of The Dream Flag Project
- Biggest Bang for Your Buck - Edna Phythian Global Connections Liaison
- Perfil Emprendedor UNiagustiniano - Mrs Felipe Gonzalez
- SPOTLIGHT: Digiteen/Digitween - Global Digital Citizenship Project - Theresa Allen, Technology Teacher/Coordinator
- SPOTLIGHT: Improving Teacher Training in the Developing World With Locally Created Video and Cordless Projectors - Matthew York, Executive Director
- KEYNOTE: Julie Keane & John Farrelly on "Leading an Innovative Global District"
- Connecting your classroom to the global stage with Global Encounters - Terry Godwaldt, Director of Programming
- Design Thinking among K-12 Teachers in Global Education Programs - Khendum Gyabak
- Helping Students Embrace Cultural Diversity and Develop Global Awareness - Christy Barham, Media & Technology Coordinator
- How to Handle Classroom Global Diversity in Curriculum Design with a PowerPoint Template. From theory to PowerPoint instructional design in a STEM lesson. - Richard Close
- Planetlines Connect Students Around the World - Daniel Kinzer Director of Experiential Learning School
- Alternativas lúdicas basadas en TIC para la ensenanza del cálculo en el bachillerato - Mr. Julio Aviles Romero
- Experiencing Global Education Through Immersive Learning Communities- A Case Study - Lainie Liberti - Co Founder Project World School - Life Learner
- Online Learning - Brennan Heil Learning Online
- Promoting a Global Perspective in Health Education Curriculum for Grades K-20 - Dr. Kristy Taylor
- SPOTLIGHT: The World is Our Classroom - Anne Mirtschin, ICT Teacher
- KEYNOTE: Rohit K. Pothukuchi
- Adapting to a Changing World: The Future of Education - Marek Beck, Head of Upper School, Adjunct Professor, Chairperson for Connecticut Commission on Professional Development, Consultant
- Creating and Curating Knowledge from the Bottom Up with a Community of Practice - Christel Broady, Ph.D., Professor of Graduate Education, Director ESL Teacher Education Programs
- Cutting Through the Common Core (State Standards) Using a Global Approach - Gregory Adler/Education Project Director
- Globalizing Education through Online Teaching - Martin Salido
- Science in Service: Student-Led Sustainable Development in Haiti - Leah Penniman, Science Educator, Project-Based Learning Trainer, Fulbright DAT Fellow
- Changing Perspectives of Japanese High School Students Toward the Chinese by Videoconferencing - Mariko Eguchi, Professor
- Global Citizenship License - Leslie Pralle Keehn
- Herramientas web 2.0 para generar aprendizajes colaborativos en el aula - William H. Vegazo Muro Teacher
- La cultura física como base de una mejor calidad de vida - Benedicta Barrera Hernández. Candidato a Doctora en Educación
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