Learning Revolution Free PD - Student Entrepreneurship - Gaming in Ed - Google Summit Recordings

Learning Revolution

The Learning Revolution
Weekly Update

September 10th, 2014

The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.
- Benjamin Disraeli

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The Learning Revolution Project holds online and physical learning events, and highlights professional development opportunities from a network of 200 partners in the learning professions. The great majority of these events are free to attend. We also highlight good conversations about learning taking place between educators, learners, leaders, and others from the school, library, museum, work, adult, online, non-traditional and home learning worlds.

To subscribe to this newsletter, please sign up at the Learning Revolution. Please share this newsletter with your friends and colleagues!


  • Student Entrepreneurship. We've set up a new student entrepreneurship portal at StudentEnrepreneurship.com that provides quick access to the free HPLIFE interactive classes for students to learn business skills, and gives you a chance to sign up for information about the free online conference on student entrepreneurship we plan to hold in 2015. (Teachers, you can take the free classes as well!)
  • Gaming in Ed Online Conference. Our first-ever, free, and online "Gaming in Education" conference starts next week with special keynote speakers and pre-conference sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings (US time). Then Thursday is a great full day of more keynotes and sessions. Check our the full schedule in your own time zone here. More information and signup at http://www.GaminginEd.com
  • Google for Education Recordings Available. This past weekend we held our first-ever Online Summit Featuring Google for Education in conjunction with CUE.org and the inimitable Lucy Gray. Unlike our other events, this 60+ session summit was a for-charge event, and we're now offering access to the conference recordings for $40. A bargain! See the session and keynote titles and descriptions, as well as ordering information, at GIESummit.org.

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Learning Revolution Events

Partner Spotlight


Game-Based Learning NYC (GBLNYC) is a meetup/community in New York City that brings together professional and enthusiasts that share an interest in game-based learning. GBLNYC has over 500 members and hosts monthly events ranging from networking socials, educational game demonstrations, expert presentations, and game design workshops. We have partnered with BrainPOP, NYU's Game Center, and Teach for America, among others. We can be found on twitter @Play2LearnNYC. More information at http://www.meetup.com/Game-Based-Learning-NYC/.

Interested in becoming a Learning Revolution Partner? Please fill out a Partner Application today.

Partner Announcements

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Flat Connections

One Week Calendar

All events are listed in US-Eastern Daylight Time. To become an event partner and have your events listed here, please email admin@web20labs.com.

  • Wednesday, September 10th at 4pm ISTE: Integrating STEM Learning Tools in K-12 Classrooms, presented by Paula Leach, Mano Talavier and Stephanie Playton of Longwood University’s Institute for Teaching Through Technology and Innovative Practices (ITTIP). Are you overwhelmed with the idea of integrating STEM tools in the classroom? Do you need help evaluating which tool is the best fit for you and your students. We’ll talk about how to choose STEM learning tools and how to use them to meet your classroom needs. Learn what the research says and hear about challenges and successful implementations. Register here.
  • Wednesday, September 10th at 6pm PDT in San Francisco, CA Galvanize: gSchool SF Open House, Galvanize is excited to announce that gSchool is launching in our new SOMA campus! We're welcoming all prospective students, instructors, mentors, guest speakers and potential employers to join us for a gSchool SF Open House! Past students, current hiring partners, and the instruction team will be there to answer any questions and present on what gSchool is all about. Food and drinks will be provided! RSVP here.
  • Wednesday, September 10th at 9pm Teachers Teaching Teachers, Weekly conversations hosted by EdTechTalk, a collaborative open webcasting community. For more information, click here.
  • Saturday, September 13th at 12pm CR20 LIVE Weekly Show - Career Development Student Livebinders - Top 10 ePortfolio Livebinder Winner!, Karma Yanzie experiments with Career Development students in 7th grade with amazing results. Karma will discuss how the project came about, how students were organized into teams and explored careers, writing and new technologies to generate a portfolio of artifacts of their learning. See the finished portfolios that the students created and hear from students about their experience. Details to join at http://live.classroom20.com.
  • Sunday, September 14th at 7pm TechEducator Podcast: Google Apps for Education on Your iPad, Join the TechEducators as we discuss and demonstrate some amazing Google Apps for the iPad and show you how to use GAfE in your mobile classroom. LIVE on www.TeacherCast.tv.

For a full calendar of all upcoming events and conferences, click here.


  • Library 2.014, October 8th + 9th, 2014
    Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals will be accepted between now and October 1st for Library 2.014. This fully online, participatory conference presents a unique opportunity to showcase the excellent research and work that you do every day. How does your library manage digital collections? Is your library mobile friendly? Do you have a story to tell about maker spaces? Your participation as a presenter will steer the global conversation about the future of libraries. Please see the call for proposals and conference strands and consider submitting your proposal soon!
  • Global Education Conference, November 17th - 22nd, 2014
    Upcoming deadlines: The call for proposals for the 2014 Global Education Conference are now open. Proposals can be submitted from now until November 15. Please see the conference strands and consider submitting your proposal soon!

Highlighted Recordings

Dan Zanes from the Global Education Conference - on "Communal Music-Making: What I've Learned So Far"


Joe Rigby from the Future of Museums Conference - on "Virtual Museums in a Multi-Participant Online Platform"


Raymond Pun from the Future of Museums Conference - on "Museums Without Walls: Delivering Virtual Museum Talks as an Outreach Program"


NMC Navigator Top Ten

Top Learning Tech Stories of the Week from the NMC/Horizon Project Navigator.

  1. Hot new skills course gets the cloud treatment
  2. What the best education systems are doing right
  3. Drone Technology Races Ahead of Rule-Makers
  4. Grading Teachers, With Data From Class
  5. Using Exhibits as Assessment
  6. How tech is changing reading at libraries
  7. Watson Goes to Medical School
  8. Elvis Presley’s Graceland Looks to iBeacon Technology to Boost Tourism
  9. 25 Of The Most Dangerous And Unusual Journeys To School In The World
  10. American Museum of Natural History Assigns Students Clever 3D Scanning & Printing Dinosaur Project


Education Revolution Google+ Community

  • Education Culture Shift: Lessons from Abroad. This recent article, written by Amy S. Choi, explores the South Korean and Finnish paradigm shifts in education over the past decade, looking for lessons. Choi asks, What can other countries learn from these two successful, but diametrically opposed, educational models? Read more here.
  • What Does Your Font Say About Your Content?. We've all had the experience of visiting websites, reading articles, or opening emails and having a gut reaction to the aesthetic of the content. What impression does the font you've chosen give to students, parents, and administrators about your course? This article explores how choosing the right design for your online course materials can greatly influence the user's experience in your class.
  • First Day of School in July?. How many of you teach at year-round schools? Have you come to prefer this schedule, or would you prefer a traditional schedule? This recent NEA Today article by Luke Towler looks at the pros and cons of year-round school. Read more here. What do you think?

See you online!

Steve Hargadon

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