Gaming in Education 2014 Starts Tonight! Schedule and Attending Information.



Our 2014 Gaming in Education online conference start tonight! Whether you're passionate about game-based learning or just getting your toes wet, Gaming in Ed celebrates the value that games offer in educational settings. We have two pre-conference keynotes tonight, and then some special pre-conference keynotes and sessions tomorrow and Wednesday evenings (US Time). Thursday is our full conference day. We hope you will join us for some or all of the conference sessions--it is all free, and all the sessions will be recorded!

The current complete schedule below. Go to for the conference hour-by-hour schedule in your own time zone and for the actual links to attend each session. The keynote speakers presentation descriptions and bios are at
Please help us promote the conference as widely as possible. Please forward this email if you can. Sample tweets and blog posts are also at the bottom of this email, below the schedule. Thank you in advance for your support--you help keep these types of events free! The hastag for Twitter is #GamingInEd14.

See you online!

Steve Hargadon
Gaming in Ed Conference Founder and Co-Chair

SCHEDULE (US-Eastern Daylight Time Version)
The schedule is likely to have small changes--be sure to follow the live schedule at:

Monday, September 15
  • KEYNOTE: Peggy Sheehy on "The State of Play: Are You Game?"
  • KEYNOTE: Bronwyn Stuckey on "Game Inspired Learning: A chance to re-imagine and reframe learning"

    Tuesday, September 16
    • KEYNOTE: Marianne Malstrom on "Follow the Learning"
    • Bring it On: Game Design as a Mechanic for Assessment - Caryn Swark, teacher
    • Don't Just Play the Game: Minecraft Mods at Sonoma County Library - Rebecca Forth, Assistant to the Director

      Wednesday, September 17
      • KEYNOTE: Michael Levine on "Level Up Learning: Teaching with Games in the Classroom"
      • Building a GBL Professional Community - Joe Ballou, Founder and Co-Organizer
      • Power of Game Design and Coding for Developing Global Media Literacy Skills among Pre-service Teachers - Melda N. Yildiz, Teacher Educator

        Thursday, September 18
        • "Connecting Educators and Game Developers" - Welcome by Allisyn Levy and Katya Hott
        • KEYNOTE: Peter Stidwill
        • Gamification in the Library: Creating Interactive Research Activities to Engage Library Users - Raymond Pun, Reference and Research Services Librarian
        • Learning Game Design Characteristics through the Study of Flow and the Elemental Tetrad in the World of Warcraft & Minecraft - Dr. Quiana Bradshaw, Full-time Computer Science Faculty
        • What is Agoge: The Spartan's Journey? - Breanne Kirsch, Public Services Librarian
        • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Seann Dikkers on "Good 'Kung-Fu' when Talking About Games for Learning"
        • Level Up: Five Steps to Gamify Your Class - Sarah Thomas, Teacher/Technology Liaison
        • SelfDesign Minecraft as Self-Directed Learning and a Community Development Tool - Michael Bender ~ Learning Consultant and Lead Educator for the SelfDesign Minecraft Project
        • KEYNOTE - Dan White
        • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: David Thomas on "No Pain No Gain? Finding a place for fun in Learning"
        • Digital Games for Foreign Language Learning - Kara Mac Donald, Associate Professor
        • Games People Play 2: Implementation of Gamification to Increase Parental Involvement - Zena Brown Educational Technology Specialist
        • Getting Your Game On - Josh Hughes, President
        • The Elbonian Challenge: Creating a Gamified Simulation Online Course - Rob Letcher, Adjunct Faculty and Sr. Director Instructional Innovations
        • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Steve Isaacs on "GameMaker Studio: Why Kids Should Create Games!"
        • Legends, battles, mystery, betrayal...Programming and Math! - Matthew Miller, Teacher & Integrator
        • Using Commercial Games Effectively in K12 and College Classrooms - Jeff Mummert, Director of Submrge: Deeper Thinking About Commercial Games and Education
        • CLOSING KEYNOTE: Barbara Chamberlin on "It's OK to Play"

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        September 20, 2020 at 4:45 AM ×

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