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Learning Revolution

The Learning Revolution
Weekly Update

December 17th

Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.
- John Cotton Dana

Welcome to the Learning Revolution. The technologies of the Internet and the Web are reshaping where, when, and from whom we learn. The Learning Revolution Project highlights virtual and physical events from Web 2.0 Labs and its partners. These events bring together educators, learners, leaders, and others to rethink and reinvent education. To receive the weekly Learning Revolution newsletter, please join the Learning Revolution network.



  • School Leadership Summit, March 27th, 2014
    Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals will be accepted between now and March 15th, 2014. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis. Please see the instructions for submitting a proposal HERE.


The Classroom 2.0 LIVE series will be taking a Winter Break. Stay tuned, as we will be posting future shows after the first of the year.

Featured Conference Recordings

Eric Sheninger from the 2013 School Leadership Summit - on "Leadership 2.0"

Eric Sheninger

Dr. Sandra Hirsh from the Library 2.013 Conference - on "The Global Transformation of Libraries, LIS Education, and LIS Professionals"

Sandra Hirsh

Al Byers from the 2013 Global STEMx Education Conference - on "Developing Large Scale Effective STEM Teacher Learning Communities"

Al Byers


Classroom 2.0
  • Inspiring Critical Conversations in the Classroom. Educator and Classroom 2.0 member, Karen Cameron, talks about taking in-class discussions to the next level in her discussion of essential versus nonessential questions. Check out her classroom strategies here.
  • MOOCs for Deeper Learning. Karen Fasimpaur highlighted an upcoming opportunity for educators to participate in a free, nine-week MOOC for deeper level learning. Check out her post for details. Thanks, Karen!
Future of Education
  • What Do You Know About Flipped Classrooms? New Future of Education member, Swaroop Raju, is interested in learning more about using video resources in a flipped classroom. Any of you have examples you'd like to share? Share them with Swaroop here.
  • Valuing Online Education. Phillip Morgan recently posted, "The real value of online education is felt when you realise that education becomes the discovery of one’s own ignorance." What do you all think? Join Phillip's conversation about online learning here.
Global Education Conference
  • Your Classroom Featured in a Global iBook. Kristen Paino's second graders are putting together a global iBook, and are looking for entries! Interested in getting your students involved in a creative global project? Find out how in Kristen's post.
  • Wanted: Forensic Discovery Classroom Partnership. High school science teacher, Paul Munshower, has a great classroom collaboration opportunity in mind. Using a combination of syncrhonous and asynchronous communication tools, Munshower hopes to lead an inquiry based science project between two classrooms studying infectious diseases, and the impacts of vaccines and antibiotics. Read more about the project and get in touch with Paul here.
Library 2.0
  • Lifelong Learning and Libraries. Lifelong learning advocate and Library 2.0 member, Joe Wasylyk, is interested in how your library creates opportunities for lifelong learners in your service communities. If you're a lifelong learner, where do you go for support on your continued interest in learning? Share your thoughts with Joe here.
School Leadership Summit
  • Moonshot Thinking. Admin 2.0 member, Jason Borgen, shared this Google X Project video on moonshot thinking. See the video and share what you think about moonshot thinking here.


Here is some of the feedback we received from those of you who attended the 2013 School Leadership Summit. We can't wait to see you again in March!

A model of future professional development.
-Rose Kendrick

What a wonderful way to connect the school community around the world around important issues.
-Lesley Farmer

Fabulous learning opportunity for the country! Provides a virt-con experience and nationally known presenters at no cost to the attendee, what a gift! Thank you!
-Carol Scholz

The terrific variety and scope of online conferencing is proof that education is undergoing fundamental shifts...for the better. Kudos to all the presenters, and to Steve Hargadon for blazing trails forward to better, more equitable and exciting education for all.
-Craig Seasholes

Cannot wait until 2014!
-Eric Walters

For a full list of the 2013 School Leadership Summit kudos, click HERE.

Final Notes

We hope you like this new newsletter and format. Because of the holidays, we will not be updating for the next two weeks.

See you online!

Steve Hargadon
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