The Learning Revolution - 2014 School Leadership Summit - ISTE Unplugged Dates - More!


The Learning Revolution
Weekly Update

December 10th

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead

Welcome to the Learning Revolution. The technologies of the Internet and the Web are reshaping where, when, and from whom we learn. The Learning Revolution Project highlights virtual and physical events from Web 2.0 Labs and its partners. These events bring together educators, learners, leaders, and others to rethink and reinvent education. To receive the weekly Learning Revolution newsletter, please join the Learning Revolution network.


  • School Leadership Summit 2014. The 2nd annual School Leadership Summit is being announced this week. This free event will be held online on March 27th, 2014, thanks to TICAL, our founding sponsor. Our first keynote speaker has been confirmed: the terrific Scott McLeod! Sign up at to make sure you get the announcement and call for proposals this week.
  • ISTE Unplugged 2014 is in the works. Astute ISTE observers will note that the conference starts on Saturday this year, so our Hack Education all-day unconference will be on Friday, June 27th in the conference center in Atlanta. This event is always free and, for many, is the event at ISTE. Our Global Education Day event will move to Saturday afternoon.
  • Conference Keynotes on YouTube. We are excited to announce that the keynote sessions from the following conferences can now be watched on YouTube: School Leadership Summit 2013, Homeschool Conference 2013, STEMxCon 2013, Library 2.012 and 2.013, and the Global Education Conference 2012 and 2013. Visit each of the conference sites to see all of the session recordings.
  • Tentative dates for Library 2.014. We have tentative dates for Library 2.014, Wednesday October 8 and Thursday October 9, 2014. These dates are tentative, but we are committed to holding the conference midweek. If those dates hold, Connected Librarians Day would be Monday, October 6th, 2014.
  • Global Education Conference 2014. Our 2014 Global Education Conference also has tentative dates; November 17 - 21, 2014.
  • Host Your Own Webinar. For those of you who remember the LearnCentral Host Your Own Webinar program, it's coming back! We'll be providing the ability for you to schedule and host your own non-commercial webinars which we will add to our calendar and help to advertise. Be thinking about some educational ideas and practices that you want to share.


  • School Leadership Summit, March 27th, 2014
    Upcoming deadlines:
    The call for proposals will be announced later this week. The deadline for proposals will be mid-March.


  • Classroom 2.0 LIVE Weekly Show
    Featured Teacher: Wes Fryer
    . Coding & Games with Kids: Hopscotch, Scratch and Minecraft
    As this week wraps up the "Hour of Code," 4th and 5th grade STEM teacher Wesley Fryer will discuss the use of the Hopscotch app for iPads, Scratch software, and Minecraft to help students learn the basics of coding as well as problem-solving and computational thinking skills. See event details on the Learning Revolution calendar

Featured Conference Recordings

Don Buckley from the 2013 Global Education Conference - on "Design and Maker Thinking: How can they be part of our everyday in education"

Julia Stiglitz
 from the 2013 Global STEMx Education Conference - on "MOOCs"

Barbara Stripling
 from Library 2.013 - on "Libraries Change Lives: Declaring Our Right to Libraries"



Here is some of the feedback we received from those of you who attended the Global Education Conference 2013. Thanks to all of you, the presenters, volunteers, and participants, who have made this event so exciting to be a part of.

This is the event of the year where educators worldwide can come together to inspire and be inspired.
-Torsten Otto
Hamburg, Germany

The conference allows educators around the world to become part of the story and fabric of who we are as human beings.
-Lori Zataveski
Delran, New Jersey, USA

It's a fascinating learning journey; it enables to connect and share experiences that will inspire educators all over the world!
-Ikram Eseghir
Kenitra, Morocco

The conference is one the best things ever to happen to individuals who want to develop their capacity in research, teaching and learning. It saves one the time, money and other resources that would have been spent to travel abroad for a conference of international status.
-David O.

Great piece of work...if we had more teachers taking up such ideas, the world would be a transformed place to live in full of geniuses. Love it all.
-Ibrahim Bahati
Kampala, Uganda

For a full list of the 2013 Global Education Conference kudos, click HERE.


Hope you like this new newsletter and format. See you online!

Steve Hargadon
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