Library 2.0 Sponsored Webinar - "Success for Struggling Readers: New Strategies Using eBooks" with Ann Fondren + Sarah Downing


Library 2.0 Presents:
"Success for Struggling Readers: New Strategies Using eBooks"

Ann Fondren + Sarah Downing

Date + Time:
Thursday, October 13th
3:00pm EDT for one hour
(Click on the time link to see the event time in your own time zone.)

Sign-up Link:
This is a free event, but you must register to attend and will be sent the link to the live event as well as to the recording. Sign up HERE.

Join a seasoned educator and an eBook professional as they share strategies for using eBooks to help struggling readers succeed and gain new enjoyment from reading. This presentation highlights specific eBook tools, presents tactics to ensure educators are meeting CCSS and state standards, and presents examples of best practices in enhancing the reading experience for all readers, but specifically kids who struggle. The session will include an overview of resources and strategies that individualize instruction.
To help struggling readers progress and succeed, educators must rely on a variety of tools beyond the printed page. Research proves that eBooks hold many advantages and opportunities for success. In this session a middle school librarian and former division library coordinator will share strategies for implementing eBooks to assist struggling readers.

In a recent eSchool News article, Carl Harvey, librarian and former AASL president described the ways eBooks can assist students in six areas of the Common Core Standards. This presentation will explore these areas, which include: balancing informational and literacy text; providing access to complex texts; increasing academic vocabulary; writing from sources; providing knowledge in the disciplines; and preparing for computer-based testing. The skills needed to be successful in these areas can be very difficult for struggling readers. The tools incorporated in many eBooks provide assistance to these readers, but also can make the reading experience more enjoyable.

With the click of a mouse or the tap of a finger on the screen, a struggling reader can look up the meaning of a word, hear an unfamiliar word read out loud, or highlight a sentence or section to remember information to answer a question. Textbooks, which can be difficult for struggling readers, do not allow this interactivity, and selecting an informational text written on an appropriate level for the reader provides additional options for success. eBooks not only enhance the reading experience for struggling readers, but they can be motivational and fun!

About Ann Fondren:
Ann spent 32 years in public education-all in Spotsylvania County Schools, Virginia and retired in June, 2013. Spotsylvania County is located in Virginia 50 miles south of Washington, DC. While working in Spotsylvania she served as a 5th grade teacher, middle school librarian, and Library Coordinator for the division. In her role as library coordinator she worked with 34 librarians and 30 library assistants in 29 K-12 schools (23,000+ students). While in Spotsylvania County Schools, she implemented a division launched eBook program fully integrated with Destiny Library Manager.

About Sarah Downing:
Sarah is the librarian at Freedom Middle School, Spotsylvania County Schools in Virginia. She was named Rappahannock Regional School Library of the Year for 2016. She co-presented a similar eBook presentation at the National AASL Conference last November to a standing-room only audience. Sarah has been a librarian for many years, and also a long distance runner.

Event Platform:
The event software platform is Blackboard Collaborate, and the sessions can be accessed live from any personal computer and most mobile devices. Please verify that you are using a compatible version of Java (Complete Steps 1 and 2) to use Collaborate. For troubleshooting see this troubleshooting page.

Hosted + Sponsored by Follett:
Follett is the largest provider of educational materials and technology solutions to PreK-12 libraries, classrooms, learning centers and school districts in the United States. Follett also is one of the leading providers of integrated educational technology for the management of physical and digital assets, the tracking, storing and analyzing of academic data, and digital learning environment tools for the classroom focusing on student achievement. The company offers cutting-edge digital media services and innovative technology platforms to thousands of publishers, libraries, schools and retailers worldwide. With its acquisition of Baker & Taylor in 2016—a major supplier to educational institutions worldwide, and a premier worldwide distributor of books, digital content and entertainment products from approximately 25,000 suppliers to customers all over the world—Follett is able to provide unparalleled access to resources and services to both public and private institutions, learning centers, retailers, and more. For more information, visit
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