Current Sponsorship Opportunities: Library 2.015 & the Global Education Conference

Two events (actually, in both cases, sets of events) are coming up which are available for sponsorship.

1.  Library 2.015 (

This is the fifth year of the Library 2.0 virtual conference, being held this year on October 20th. We've now split this conference, which had been held once a year in October, into two events--a "spring summit" and the main "fall conference." The conference keynote and distinguished speakers have been announced (see the site), we're close to having all the session slots filled, and we're anticipating another great event. The conference network has over 20,000 members.

In addition, for the third year, we are holding a half-day pre-conference event (also online and also free for participants) geared toward the K12 audience, on October 19th, and this year called "Teacher Librarian Day." As part of planning for this event, I've taken over the teacher librarian Ning community (7,000+ members,, and Joyce Valenza and a great team are creating another exciting set of sessions.

Sponsors can elect to sponsor either or both events, and sponsorships start at $500 and go up depending on benefits.

2.  The 2015 Global Education Conference (

The Global Education Conference is in it's 6th year, and has also split into spring and fall events. Previously run for five days (and nights) in the fall, we're now running it for three and a half days this November 16 - 19. This groundbreaking event has increasingly become the main attraction for those interested in globally-connected education. The conference network for this event also has over 20,000 members.

As well, we're running a pre-conference event for GlobaEdCon, called "Global Collaboration Day" ( on September 17th. This first-time event is allowing dozens of organizations to post special collaborative events in a public (and time-zone friendly) calendar, and has garnered article coverage from eSchool News as well as has had Edutopia signing on the official media outreach partner for the day.  There won't be any independent financial sponsorship for Global Collaboration Day, as we're going to extend sponsorship benefits from the GlobalEdCon sponsors to this event.

Sponsorships for the Global Education Conference start at $750 and go up depending on benefits.


Please let me know if you'd be interested in sponsoring either or both of these projects, and I'm glad to get on the phone or send more information. If you missed my Teacher Entrepreneurship Week interview series (37 amazing interviews over 4 nights - it's worth checking out. sponsored the series to promote their new teacher marketplace, but the concept could be used for any number of specific topic ideas. Let me know if that triggers any ideas for you!


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