Announcing Global Collaboration Day on September 17th!


Dear Education Friends:

We believe in the power of connected, globally competent learners of all ages.....let's show others what connected learning looks like around the clock on September 17th! We are very excited to bring you our newest project, Global Collaboration Day! 

Students, teachers, and organizations will get online to celebrate and practice global collaboration in their own time zones on September 17th, 2015, as back-to-school-season begins in the northern hemisphere. On this day (and beyond), global educators and other professionals will host connective projects and events and invite public participation. 

The primary goals of this whole day event are:
  • demonstrate the power of global connectivity in classrooms, schools, institutions of informal learning and universities around the world.
  • introduce others to the tools, resources, projects, and networks that are available to educators today.
  • focus attention on the need for developing globally competent students and teachers throughout the world.

Any educator, school, non-profit or for-profit entity is welcome to participate as an attendee or as a host of an event. We are also seeking partners to help us get the word out about this event to their network. 

We hope that you will consider hosting one event and our recommendation is to keep your proposed event/activity fairly simple. You can also choose to highlight a project or initiative that is already in existence. It’s really up to you how you design this experience, but keep in mind that we want to introduce global collaboration to those who have not yet experienced the power of connected learning.

Here are important links to save for future reference:

Thanks for your continuing support! See you online on September 17th!

Lucy Gray & Steve Hargadon
Global Education Conference Co-Chairs
@GlobalEdCon on Twitter

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