Sponsorship, Collaboration, and Consulting Opportunities

Since almost all of my LearningRevolution.com events are free, I depend on sponsorships, collaborations, and consulting income to make them happen... and you can help! Really!

If you or your organization is interested in working together on something below, please reach out to me. Alternatively, if you know someone else you think might be interested, you can either forward this to them or send me contact information and I'll reach out directly.

Four of these events have years behind them. Library 2.015 is in its fifth year, GlobalEdcon in its sixth, the School Leadership summit in its fourth, and ISTE Unplugged will be in it's TENTH year. The Student Technology Conference is only in its second year, but it was a big hit! Sponsorship opportunities at all levels are available for each conference, and just let me know and I'm glad to connect on what those opportunities are and how associating with them could help your organization.

After an almost two-year hiatus, the Future of Education interview series is starting back up again. Still the same deep, longer format, but guaranteed to be a little edgier. Sponsorship available, but not for the faint of heart, since there are no sacred cows for me when we talk about education. I'm also available for consulting, or (like I did for Ning and Elluminate / Blackboard Collaborate), more intensive collaboration or association--let me bring my reputation for authentically valuable events to your organization. The Learning Revolution newsletter (sent to 130,000 weekly) is on summer break, but in August we'll fire up again and we take paid advertisements.

  • Adult Education Conference - virtual conference
  • Community College 2.0 - virtual conference
  • Digital Citizenship - looking for a big partner for this event (own digitalcitizenship.com)
  • Ed Tech Bootcamp - physical event, summer?
  • Education Film Festival - brainstorming right now to hold in conjunction with another event
  • Extreme School Makeover - could be an event or a program
  • Future of K12 - in person, deep-dive retreat series around the country
  • Future of Museums - held first time last year
  • Gaming in Education - held first time last year (BrainPOP was sponsor)
  • Homeschool Conference - have held two over the past two years, virtual event
  • Inventing the Future - ed tech and learning?
  • Learning 2.0 - virtual conference, run once before.
  • Learning and the Brain - virtual conference
  • Library Summit Series: Search / Curation / Future of the Book - thinking 2-hour Webinar style events
  • Maker Day - student-led event + template for others to hold
  • Maker Education - virtual peer-to-peer conference 
  • Modern Learning - would be a new event
  • Online Teaching Conference - would be a new even
  • PrivacyCon - virtual conference on and around privacy issues
  • Reforming Ed Reform - some kind of shorter virtual summit, maybe
  • Reinventing Higher Ed - maybe my #1 interest right now for a virtual, worldwide event
  • Reinventing Libraries - virtual or physical event
  • Reinventing School - could be a virtual or a physical event
  • Reinventing the Classroom - held first time last year (Promethean sponsored)
  • Reinventing.Education - did one, "What If" format, physical event potentially in different cities
  • Self-Directed Learning - virtual conference
  • STEM Conference - held two years ago (HP was sponsor)
  • Student Entrepreneurship - want this to be a twin event with the student technology conference
These are all events I'd like to see move forward, but the limitation is finding a sponsor and collaborators. Can't do everything--I wish we could!--so consider this a wish-list either for a company that would like thought leadership in an area and has a budget to do so, or an individual wanting to help make something happen. For all ideas I have suitable domain names already.

It's not easy juggling sponsorships to bring good virtual (and physical) events to life, but with your help let's keep making a difference in the education world!

See you online!


Steve Hargadon

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