Join Us This Thursday for "The Emerging Future: Technology and Learning" (Must Register)

Join us this Thursday, April 30th, 2015 for the online Library 2.015 Spring Summit - The Emerging Future: Technology and Learning, a three-hour conversation about technology issues and trends in the future of library and information services with an amazing set of guest panelists and presenters. Our Spring Summit will be held from 12pm - 3pm US Pacific / 3pm - 6pm US Eastern (see in your own time zone).

The Summit is free, but you must to register to attend live or to watch the recordings: click HERE to do so.
With technology changing so rapidly, how can libraries, organizations, and individuals stay abreast of the economic, social, and ethical ramifications of innovations and prepare successfully for the future? 
The Spring Summit has been inspired by and orchestrated in partnership with Library 2.0 founding sponsor, the San Jose State University School of Information ( Inspired by a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the future of the information profession that was offered by the San José State University (SJSU) School of Information last fall, Dr. Sandra Hirsh, director of the SJSU School of Information, and Steve Hargadon, founder of The Learning Revolution, have worked with SJSU lecturer Dr. Sue Alman to develop this special event.

The Summit will present key issues faced by information professionals and educators, and provide a forum to learn about and discuss ways to prepare for the future, both professionally and organizationally. The event will be divided into three hours, with opening and closing keynote panels and one hour of quick topic presentations. The fuller event description and presenter bios can be accessed at

PART 1: Chasing Storms or Rainbows? 
Our opening panel looks at the effects of emerging technologies on current and future learning trends.

Miguel Figueroa (Director, Center for the Future of Libraries at the American Library Association)
Dan Cohen (Executive Director, Digital Public Library of America)
Jason Swanson (Director of Strategic Foresight at KnowledgeWorks)
Casey McCoy (Stonewall Book Award Committee)

PART 2: In the Know 

Samantha Adams Becker (Senior Director of Communications, New Media Consortium)A drill down on the key impact areas of new technologies
Tina Jagersen (School of Information, San Jose State University): How to stay up to date with new technologies
Mary Alice Ball (Senior Program Officer, Institute of Museum and Library Services)How to plan and fund new technologies

PART 3: The Here and Now
Our closing panel discussion on technology and social media trends, with an even summary by Dr. Sue Alman at the end.

Jen Jumba (Librarian at Cuyahoga County Public Library)
Sarah Gillespie Swanson (Assistant Director for Information Literacy at Davidson College)
Joyce Valenza (Director MLIS Program, Assistant Professor at Rutgers University, SC&I)

The Spring Summit is designed to complement the fifth annual Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference, which will be held on October 20th, 2015.
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