"Starting to Homeschool" is a series of six Webinars for those interested in starting the journey to homeschooling, or just learning more about homeschooling. The Webinars are held using Google Hangouts on Air, and shouldn't require any special software. Each Webinar will be a half-hour presentation by Patrick Farenga, followed by a half hour of questions and answers with attendees. Each is free to attend live and to watch in recorded form for the next 24 hours.
- Are you wondering if homeschooling can work for you?
- Do you know that you don’t need to be a certified teacher in any state in order to help your children learn at home and in your community?
- Are you seeking personalized, bold education options that build on your children’s strengths rather than conventional curricula?
Patrick Farenga is a leading and unique authority on homeschooling, bringing more than 30 years of fieldwork, advocacy, and personal experience (he and his wife homeschooled their three daughters) to help parents and children learn in their own ways. Farenga is a writer and education activist who addresses academic and general audiences about working with children, not on children, to help them learn.
Farenga worked closely with one of the founders of the modern homeschooling movement, the late author and teacher John Holt, as well as with many of the key figures in homeschooling, such as Dr. Raymond Moore and Ivan Illich. Farenga continues Holt’s work and published Growing Without Schooling magazine (GWS) from 1985 until it stopped in 2001. GWS was the nation’s first periodical about learning without going to school, started by Holt in 1977.
Farenga speaks as a homeschooling expert at education conferences around the world—such as in Colombia, Ireland, France, England, Canada, and Italy—as well as on commercial radio and television talk shows in the United States (The Today Show, Good Morning America) and abroad.
Farenga writes about homeschooling, democratic education, and unschooling (John Holt’s preferred term for learning in the real world) for a number of trade and academic publications. Pat also wrote the entries about homeschooling for the International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition (Elsevier, 2010) and the online edition of Encyclopedia Britannica (2015). Pat operates the John Holt/Growing Without Schooling website, www.johnholtgws.com, and is a founding member of www.alternativestoschool.com.
Farenga’s recent publications include:
The Beginner’s Guide to Homeschooling (Holt, 1998)
Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Homeschooling (Perseus, 2003)
The Legacy of John Holt: A Man Who Genuinely Understood, Trusted, and Respected Children(HoltGWS, 2013)
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