The Free, Amazing, Library 2.014 Online Events This Week

This is a GREAT week for library learning and conversations! (Forward this post to friends and colleagues.)

Tomorrow, October 7th, our second annual “Connected Librarian Day” preconference kicks off at 3:30pm US-Eastern Daylight Time, led by Britten Follett, Joyce Valenza, Ross Todd, and Shannon Miller. Don’t miss eight great sessions, all free, all listed below, and with lots more detail at

Then our fourth annual (and free) Future of Libraries conference, Library 2.014, starts on Wednesday, October 8th, at 10:00am US-Eastern Time with the opening keynote by conference co-chair Dr. Sandra Hirsh from the School of Information at San José State University. There has been a real excitement for this years event, and our conference network reached over 20,000 registered members this past week! While all the details of the two days and the 100+ conference sessions, keynotes, and distinguished speaker presentations are on the Library 2.014 conference site, a quick listing is below to get you thinking about which sessions you might be able to attend live. While attending the live sessions allows you to participate in live chat with the presenter and other attendees, don’t forget that all of the sessions are also recorded and available for free (and forever) on the conference site.

The current complete schedule is below. Go to for the conference hour-by-hour schedule in your own time zone and for the actual links to attend each session. The keynote speakers presentation descriptions and bios are at And if you speak Hungarian, you’ll notice we have ten special Hungarian sessions that start early the morning of the 8th. :)

Please do help us promote the conference as widely as possible. Forward this post if you can. Sample tweets and a blog post are also at the bottom of this email, below the schedule. Thank you in advance for your support--you help keep these types of events free! The hastag for Connected Librarian Day is #cld14 and for the full conference is #lib2014.

See you online!

Steve Hargadon
Library 2.014 Conference Founder and Co-Chair

For full details and any last-minute updates, be sure to follow the live schedule at:

Tuesday, October 7

  • Welcome and About the Landscape with Britten Follett, Joyce Valenza, Ross Todd & Shannon Miller
  • Heidi Neltner on "Your Stakeholder Connected Librarian Toolkit"
  • Judy O'Connell on "Leadership in a connected age: change, challenge and productive chaos"
  • Michelle Luhtala on "Flipped Learning and the Essential Tools to Get you There"
  • Patrice Bryan & Darcy Coffta on "Schools' Vortex: Innovative Library Makerspaces"
  • Matthew Winner & Sherry Gick on "When Sherry Met Matthew: Finding Your Educational Soulmate and Helping Kids to Rule the World"
  • Jennifer LaGarde on "Imagining Library Spaces of the Future, Today"
  • Closing Comments with Britten Follett, Joyce Valenza, Ross Todd & Shannon Miller

LIBRARY 2.014 SCHEDULE (US-Eastern Daylight Time Version)
For full details and any last-minute updates, be sure to follow the live schedule at:

Wednesday, October 8
  • Early Arriver Greeting and Social
  • KEYNOTE: Dr. Sandra Hirsh on "Working in a Global Environment – Success Strategies for Today’s Information Professional"
  • A Study of Gimlet Use in Reference Transactions - Tina Chan, Assistant Coordinator of Reference
  • Creating a Successful Online Portfolio - Alexandra Janvey, Library Assistant
  • Google Glass at the UMKC Law School Library - Ayyoub Ajmi – Digital Communications & Learning Initiatives Librarian
  • Promoting Critical Thinking Through Authentic Learning Activities - Melissa Mallon, Coordinator of Library Instruction
  • KEYNOTE: Samantha Adams Becker on "On the Horizon: Pressing Technologies, Trends, Challenges for Libraries"
  • Be Mindful of the Gap: Understanding Information Literacy Struggles Between High School & Higher Education - Emily Gover, In-house Information Literacy Library
  • Developing Transdisciplinary Lesson Plans and Integrating Information Literacy Skills for K12 Classrooms - Melda N. Yildiz, Faculty
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Stephen Abram on 7 Tactics to Gain Big Savings Through Collaboration
  • Gamifying for Librarians - Debbie Weissmann Ph.D. & Stacy Lein
  • Aren't all kids the same? Looking at cultural differences in motivating students to seek information - Dr. Sherry R. Crow, Associate Professor of School Library Science
  • Enhancing Librarians’ Research Skills: A Professional Development Program - Lili Luo
  • From Maker Space to Learning Commons - IdaMae Craddock, Librarian
  • The Freshman Flip: An Exploration - Katie Garcia, Reference Librarian
  • KEYNOTE: Phil Bradley on "Alternative search engines; why Google simply isn't enough."
  • Do you have what it takes to manage an eBook library? - Donna Frederick, Metadata and cataloguing librarian
  • Get Noticed: Create Compelling Images that Spark Engagement - Julienne DesJardins, Virtual Assistant
  • Marketing on a Budget - Kelly Rembert, Outreach Librarian
  • Supporting the humanitarian effort during disasters: Opportunities for LIS students as digital volunteers - Dr. Chris Hagar, Joyce Monsees and April Anderson
  • KEYNOTE: Pam Sandlian-Smith on "Creating Experience Libraries"
  • DigiBook MakerSpace in Chinese Public Libraries - Dr. Shu,Man
  • El Poder de los Cuentos Digitales. - Hilda Gomez
  • Improving Digital Services Through Database Development - Jennifer Abbott, Librarian
  • The Future: In the Stacks Book Recommendation App - Michelle Zaffino, Founder & Chief Digital Librarian
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Barbara Stripling on "Building a Learning Community Through a Library Learning Commons"
  • Embedding Librarians in Digital Culture - Dr. Valerie Hill
  • Expanding library technology services to support and enhance students’ technology skills - Amy Jiang, Library Technology Coordinator
  • Virtual Internship: Where in the World is Great Science being Done? - Nancy Faget, Federal Librarian
  • Cultural Literacy as Information Literacy at HBCU Libraries - Ana Ndumu, Reference Librarian turned Doctoral Student
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS: Christine Bruce, Ian Stoodley & Hilary Hughes on "Information Experience: New approaches to theory and practice"
  • Facing a Rising Tide: Using Blackboard to Navigate a Flood of New Information Literacy Instruction Needs - Sarah Schmidt, Reference & Government Information Librarian
  • User Centered Community Service Models - B.Vijayalakshmi, Librarian, Sri Sarada College for Women, Tirunelveli
  • Building professional relationships with the International Librarians Network - Clare McKenzie, Program Coordinator
  • Cool Tools to Visualize Information - Nancy Faget, Federal Librarian
  • LIS Skills Beyond The Library - Elizabeth Borghi, Knowledge Infrastructure Manager
  • The Special Library Express: An Open-Dialogue about Library Express Stations Being Created in Local Community Centers and Cultural Arts Complexes in the United States - kYmberly Keeton, Art Librarian
  • KEYNOTE: Jia Yang on "Exploring the Use of Information Visualization for Library"
  • Get Published! The Best Advice for Students Submitting to Peer-Reviewed Journals - Sara Kelso, Managing Editor, SRJ
  • How to Win Elections and Influence Politicians - Patrick Sweeney
  • Listening to the Library: What should be our role in providing and promoting audiobooks to patrons? - Sue Toms, Head of Libraries
  • WeChat, Library Chat: Exploring New Mobile Services for Students in China - Raymond Pun, Reference and Research Services Librarian

Thursday, October 9
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Ellen Tise on "Access to knowledge - reality or fantasy in the digital age"
  • LibSat: Getting Ahead of Your Customer Satisfaction Issues - Jason LeDuc, Dr. Darlene Ann Parrish & Malka Schyndel
  • The Media Center as a Production Center - Larry Wilson
  • KEYNOTE: Dr. Daisy Selematsela on "Perspective on the evolving roles of information professionals within the South African National System of Innovation (NSI)"
  • BiblioTech, Year One - Ashley Eklof, Head Librarian
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Peter Morville on "The Architecture of Understanding"
  • Knowledge Enhancement through Emerging Technologies- Need of the Hour in Digital Era - Dr.Revathi Viswanathan
  • Mobile Technologies and Libraries: Match Made in Heaven or Marriage Gone Wrong? - Mardene Carr - Doctoral Student
  • KEYNOTE: Joyce Valenza on "Librarians and Social Capital"
  • Kickstart Your Publishing: Writing Reviews - Tina Chan, Assistant Coordinator of Reference
  • Libraries as a Safe Heaven in Times of Conflict - Loida Garcia-Febo, President
  • Usability and You: Website usability testing your library's virtual presence - Kathleen Phillips, Director of Library Services
  • Whiteboard Visualizations: Evidence of Learning in Student-Centered Library Spaces - Uta Hussong-Christian, Instruction & Science Librarian
  • Let’s Get Visible! (Visible!): Visible Thinking in Library Instruction - Erika Behling, Library Faculty
  • Reality & Virtuality: Research expectations, responsibilities, and technologies in the dissemination phase of a 4-year study. - Mara Cabrera, SLIS Graduate Student, Research Assistant
  • Taming the Quantitative Data Monster with LibPAS: What? Who? Where? Why? How? - Jason LeDuc
  • The influence of the Learning Commons on the university libraries’ missions - Estelle Beck, Librarian, LIS Master Student
  • 3D printing at the Reference Desk - Rachel Collier, Adult Services Librarian
  • Conceptions of Research: Implications for Information Literacy Instruction - Andrea Baer, Undergraduate Education Librarian
  • Harvesting and organizing many types of web materials using capture software. - David Stern, Library Director
  • Libraries: A Destination of Learning - Brigitta Goerres Executive Director of Curriculum
  • Channeling Energies in Library Digital Storytelling - Rebecca Morris, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Studies
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Susan Hildreth on "Libraries as Community Learning Partners - STEM, Maker and Badging!"
  • Meeting the Diverse Needs of High School Learners through Online Learning - Amanda Bjorling, Assistant Library Director
  • Shifting Medical Library Strategies amidst Healthcare Transformation - Eve Melton, Northern California Regional Director of Library Services
  • KEYNOTE: Jonathan Hernández on "Internet censorship, privacy and freedom of expression: new challenges for LIS professionals."
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: David Weinberger on "John Henry in the Library: Algorithms vs. Humans"
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Roy Tennant on "How to be a 21st Century Librarian"
  • Inside New Library Design - Phil Morehart, associate editor
  • Interactive eStorytimes for Kids - Lauren Poelvoorde, Librarian
  • Building capability: an holistic approach to MOOC development - Linda Kalejs, Research and Learning Coordinator
  • Business Services for Public Librarians - Barbara Alvarez, Business Liaison Librarian
  • Engaging Students with eBooks and Classroom Connections - Mitch Coulter Product - Manager eBooks
  • Library Reading Program for Reluctant Readers - Cintia Bastos - Librarian
  • FINAL KEYNOTE: Helen Partridge
  • Co-Teaching Path to Excellence in the Learning Commons - David V. Loertscher, Professor
  • DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Michael Stephens on Finding Balance: Reflective Practice and the Profession
  • Evolving Approaches to Professional Development: Continuing Education for the Unemployed or Underemployed Librarian - Laura Birkenhauer, Senior Library Technician
  • Making Open Source Work for You - Peter Murray, Assistant Director for Technology Services Development
  • Building a library mobile site in three weeks - Ji Hak Paul Park, Web services librarian
  • Creative Good: How Creative Collaboration in the Library can Generate Global Impact - Amy Shaffer, Creative Director
  • School Library Digital Learning Spaces - Roxanne Clement, Teacher Librarian
  • Social Curation as means to Obtain Tenure - Alys Jordan, Assistant Professor of Library Science, Head of Research, Instruction, & Outreach Services
  • Driving digital destinies through multi-institutional collaborations - Richard P. Hulser, Chief Librarian
  • E-services in a hungarian academic library - Balázs Arató
  • Personal Data Rights in a Digital Age: Ownership, Control, Privacy, and Anonymity - Dr. Marc Kosciejew

HUNGARIAN SESSIONS SCHEDULE (US-Eastern Daylight Time Version)
For full details and any last-minute updates, be sure to follow the live schedule at:

Wednesday, October 8

  • Hungarian: A summary from a student point of view about the Digital Library Learning Programme - Marton Nemeth
  • Hungarian: A Baranya Megyei Könyvtárellátási Szolgáltatási Rendszer működése/ The Operation of the Service System of Library tendings - Ms. Eszter Csorba-Simon
  • Hungarian: Information literacy and adult education in Hungary - Dóra Egervári
  • Hungarian: Questions of Automatic Analysis of UDC Notations / Az ETO jelzetek automatikus elemzésének kérdései - Attila Piros
  • Hungarian: Demand for access to higher education and public opinion about LIS - Csuka Dalma Ilona
  • Hungarian: Competency for information literacy - Anna Magdolna Sipos
  • Hungarian: Open access and the academic libraries - Rita Fekete
  • Hungarian: Open access and archive policies’ current opportunity and situation - Edina Kovács
  • Hungarian: Personal Information Management in the library - Személyes információszervezés a könyvtárban - Brigitta Jávorka
  • Hungarian: Data literacy (Adat-írástudás) - Tibor Koltay
  • Hungarian: Bibiotherapy - Bibliotrápia - Judit BÉRES

Sample Tweets
  • Join the free, online global conversation about the future of libraries #Lib2014 Oct. 8+9 #libchat #tlchat #library
  • Free virtual conference - Tuesday, Oct 7, Connected Librarian Day #tlchat  #cld14 #library #libchat
Sample Post
  • The fourth annual global conversation about the future of libraries takes place October 8 - 9, 2014, with a special pre-conference “Connected Librarians Day” series on October 7. The conference will once again be held entirely online around the clock in multiple languages and time zones. Everyone is invited to participate in this free forum designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among information professionals worldwide. This fully online, participatory conference presents a unique opportunity to engage with excellent research around work that you do every day. How does your library manage digital collections? Is your library mobile friendly? Do you have a story to tell about maker spaces? Join at

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