Our 2014 Homeschool+ Conference start tonight! This online and free event provides an opportunity to share strategies, practices, and resources for those who are involved with homeschooling, unschooling, free schools, democratic schools, and other forms of alternative, independent, and non-traditional education. We have pre-conference keynotes tonight, tomorrow, and Wednesday evenings (US Time), and then full conference days on Thursday and Friday (see the current full schedule below). We hope you will join us for some or all of the conference sessions!
Along with the conference, we’re running and “Alternative Education Film Festival” (AltEdFilmFest) with seven films available to view online during this month, and with live (and recorded) directors’ interviews that are listed in the Homeschool+ Conference schedule, as well as at http://www.virtualfilmfestival.com/alternative-education.html.
Go to http://www.homeschoolconference.com/page/attending-schedule for the conference and film festival hour-by-hour schedule in your own time zone and links to attend each session.
Please help us promote the conference and the film festival as widely as possible. Please forward this email if you can. Sample tweets and blog posts are also at the bottom of this email, below the schedule. Thank you in advance for your support--you help keep these types of events free!
Seeking Volunteers and Sponsors. We could use some additional moderator-trained volunteers. If you are available to help, email Amy Brinkley at amy@learningrevolution.com. And there is still time for additional sponsors to come on board--contact Steve at steve@hargadon.com.
See you online!
Steve Hargadon & Pat Farenga
Homeschool+ Conference Co-Chairs
P.S. We’ve just released the audio recording of the Ocean Robbins conference keynote! Ocean is not available this week to do a live session, so we recorded this interview a couple of weeks ago to release today! Download to play at http://audio.edtechlive.com/OceanRobbinsJuly2014.mp3 or listen at http://www.homeschoolconference.com in the keynote box on the front page.
SCHEDULE (US-Eastern Daylight Time Version)
The schedule is likely to have small changes--be sure to follow the live schedule at:
Monday, August 4
- Release of Ocean Robbins Keynote
- KEYNOTE: Oliver DeMille
- KEYNOTE: Jerry Mintz on "The Importance of Alternative Education"
Tuesday, August 5
- KEYNOTE: Carlo Ricci on "Love, Parenting, and Learning"
- ALT ED FILM FEST: German Doin on "La Educacion Prohibida" - Director Interview
- KEYNOTE: Jamie McMillin
Wednesday, August 6
- KEYNOTE: Matt Hern
- ALT ED FILM FEST: Cevin Soling on "The War on Kids" - Director Interview
Thursday, August 7
- KEYNOTE: Pat Farenga on "Why We Need Alternatives to School"
- A Survey of 75 Grown Unschoolers - Gina Riley, Ph.D.
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Clark Aldrich on "The Future of Everyone's Education Depends on the Success of Homeschoolers and Unschoolers"
- Learn with the world: Global connection and authentic collaboration - Julie Lindsay
- Future-Proof Careers: Preparing Our Kids For Success In Careers That May Not Be Invented Yet! - Beth Campbell Duke, The Career Tutor at Personal Brand Academy
- Making School Optional: Helping Families Embrace Self-Directed Learning - Kenneth Danford, Co-Founder and Executive Director
- Zero is Beautiful: Teaching Mathematics as if People Mattered - Aravinda Pillalamarri
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Judy Arnall on "To University from Unschooling: Why the digital generation needs adults more than content"
- Myths of Education - Truths I've Learned Through the Homeschool Journey - Heather Martinson, Owner
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Scott Nine on "From protest to politics: A provocation about the future of learning in the U.S."
- Emerging Options in Education - Lori Dunlap, MBA
- Homeschooling and Science a Winning Combination - Blair Lee M.S., author R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Chemistry 1 and Biology 2
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Bernard Bull on "Beyond the Dining Room Table: 10 Trends That are Transforming Homeschooling in the Digital Age"
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Jackie Gerstein on "Maker Education: An Idea Whose Time Has Come"
- From Home Education to Higher Education: Preparing for the Transition - Lori Dunlap, MBA
- KEYNOTE: Blake Boles on "Hogwarts for Unschoolers"
- Be Your Own Geek: Increase Your Skills to Teach Tech - Erin Lorandos, Librarian I
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Amos Blanton on "Digital tools for learners with agency: Scratch, Constructionism, and the Maker Movement"
Friday, August 8
- Incorporating a Digital Learning Platform in Homeschool Learning Enviornments To Improve Learning Outcomes - Noel Kuriakos, Quantified Teacher
- KEYNOTE: Leslie Barson on "The Otherwise Club: An Invitational Discovery Community supporting Home Educating Families"
- A Journey: Home Schooling Special Learning Needs - Mandi Sharkey
- Homeschooling: Beginning (or Beginning Again) with the End in Mind - Lori Lane - Founder and Executive Director
- Unschooling and Radical Changes in Eating - Mary Herrington Captain Supermom
- 5 Steps to Unleashing the Brilliance of Your Child - Kathy Magnusson M.Ed
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Luba Vangelova on "An Introduction to Self-Directed Learning"
- Teaching and Evaluating Digital Literacy for Home Based Learning - Laura Loveday, MLIS
- KEYNOTE: Monica Cochran on "SelfDesign Learning"
Tuesday, August 12
- ALT ED FILM FEST: Bhawin Suchak & Jeff Root on "Free to Learn" - Director Interview
Wednesday, August 13
- ALT ED FILM FEST: Peter Kowalke on "Grown Without Schooling" - Director Interview
Thursday, August 14
- ALT ED FILM FEST: Carol Black on "Schooling the World" - Director Interview
Tuesday, August 26
- ALT ED FILM FEST: Ian Reid on "Building the Machine" - Director Interview
HOMESCHOOL+ CONFERENCE - August 4 - 8, 2014
Logo http://www.homeschoolconference.com/page/press-publicity
Hashtag #Museums14
Sample Tweets
- Explore teaching & learning practices. Join free, online #homeschool14 Aug. 7+8 #homeschooling #unschool #educhat #hs http://ow.ly/yjnAp
- Share your #homeschool story at the free, online #homeschool14 Aug. 7+8. #homeschooling #unschool #educhat #hs http://ow.ly/yjnFP
Sample Post
- Join the second annual Homeschool+ Conference, August 7th + 8th, 2014, two days of crowdsourced presentations, plus three nights of preconference keynote sessions. This online and free event provides an opportunity to share strategies, practices, and resources for those involved with homeschooling, unschooling, free schools, democratic schools, and other forms of alternative, independent, and non-traditional education. While the Homeschool+ Conference is geared toward those participating in or wanting to learn more about homeschooling, unschooling, free schools, democratic schools, and other forms of alternative/non-traditional education, this conference will also be valuable for traditional educators looking to expand their scope and understanding of teaching and learning practices. Learn more at www.homeschoolconference.com.
Logo http://www.virtualfilmfestival.com/uploads/1/1/9/8/11988273/676495.png?184
Hashtag #altedfilmfest
Sample Tweets
- Month-long #altedfilmfest + director interviews all August part of #homeschool14 conf. #alted #homeschool http://www.altedfilmfest.com
- Don’t miss director interviews + online #altedfilmfest all August. Thinking about the how and why of education http://www.altedfilmfest.com
Sample Post
- Many of us take our education for granted. But what did we really learn in school, and who decided what was important for us to know? Was there a gap between what we learned in the classroom from our teachers, from our peers, and what we needed to know throughout the rest of our lives? What does the type of education we receive say about the world it prepares us to enter?
These and many other questions are addressed in the seven documentaries chosen for this year's Alternative Education Film Festival (altedfilmfest). From homeschooling to unschooling, from Buenos Aires the Himalayas, and from America's common core to the self-directed 'curricula' of many home learners, we hope these films stimulate and inspire you to think about education's role in creating your life and the world.
In association with the 2014 Homeschool+ Conference, AltEdFilmFest showcases the films below during the month of August, 2014, with live broadcast interviews featuring film directors throughout the month. Details, including contact information and promotional materials, can be found here: http://www.altedfilmfest.com.
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