The Learning Revolution
Weekly Update
July 22nd, 2014
Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.
- Jane Goodall
The Learning Revolution Project highlights our own "conference 2.0" virtual and physical events and those of our over 200 partners in the learning professions. We also highlight good conversations about learning taking place between educators, learners, leaders, and others from the school, library, museum, work, adult, online, non-traditional and home learning worlds. The Internet is shifting the boundaries of these worlds, and we believe that as they increasingly overlap and integrate these conversations will be critical to framing and preparing for the learning revolution starting to take place.
- Updates
- Partner Spotlight
- Calendar of Events
- Deadlines
- Highlighted Recordings
- NMC Navigator Top Ten
- Conversations
- Twin Events on the Future of Museums: Wednesday + Thursday. This week will kick off twin events about the future of museums - July 23rd & 24th. Both events are focused on four main themes from the NMC Horizon Report > 2013 Museum Edition: Bring Your Own Device, Location-Based Services, Crowdsourcing, and Makerspaces. Wednesday: NMC Virtual Symposium on the Future of Museums is an exclusive symposium for you, the curators, creators, innovators, museum professionals, and educators. In this limited-space event, engage with panels on these topics and help shape the conversation – get your burning questions answered! There are still spaces left, so please see more information at Thursday: The Future of Museums Conference will be a free, online, collaborative global conversation about technology, museums, and the future. This event will be held from 9:30am - 5pm US-Eastern Time, and will feature keynote speakers Suse Cairns, Lath Carlson, Alex Freeman, Jeffrey Inscho, Barry Joseph, Elizabeth Merritt, and Holly Witchey, and crowdsourced presentations by your peers. Attendees can expect to learn best practices to implement in their museums, and will hear real-world examples of innovative practices in the field. We are looking forward to these fun events, and to your participation. Are you planning to attend? Don't forget to print out this flyer to hang on your door, letting your colleagues know what you're up to and how they can join you!. More promotional materials are available at
- Homeschool+ Conference + Gaming in Ed: Submit Your Session Proposals Soon. We've got some great events lined up over the next several months, and we want to be sure you have an opportunity to participate in them as a presenter. The Homeschool+ Conference Call for Proposals will be open until August 1st. Please see the conference strands and consider submitting a proposal for this year's event. In September, we'll be hosting the inaugural Gaming in Ed conference, a great opportunity for you to share about what gamification looks like in your classroom, library, or household. Check out the conference strands and the Call for Proposals and get your proposal in before September 1st. Looking forward to hearing from you!
- Get the Popcorn Ready: Alt Ed Film Fest Kicks Off Next Friday. In association with the 2014 Homeschool+ Conference, Alt Ed Film Fest will showcase seven films, with live broadcast director interviews. The film festival will feature La Educación Prohibida by director German Doin, The War on Kids by director Cevin Soling, Free to Learn by directors Bhawin Suchak and Jeff Root, Grown Without Schooling by director Peter Kowalke, Schooling the World by director Carol Black, Building the Machine by director Ian Reid, and The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto directed and produced by Tragedy and Hope Communications. Check out for more information about the films, viewing options, and a schedule of live interviews with the directors.
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Learning Revolution Events
- Future of Museums, July 24th, 2014
- Alternative Education Film Festival, August, 2014
- Homeschool+ Conference, August 4th - 8th, 2014
- Gaming in Ed, September 15th - 19th, 2014
- Connected Librarian Day, October 3rd, 2014
- Library 2.014, October 8th + 9th, 2014
- Global Education Conference, November 17th - 21st, 2014
Partner Spotlight
ANBPR is the most representative professional organization of librarians, including over 3,300 active members in 41 counties in Romania and has promoted for the last 20 years the concept of a public library system at Community level by providing services tailored to the current needs of users. Its constituency consists of 255 disadvantaged rural communities, which have previously received ICT infrastructure and assistance under a project funded by World Bank. The project established local Info Centres providing services to the citizens in rural areas in order to improve their knowledge & access to information. ANBPR is interested in e-inclusion services for people with low & basic skills and is committed to widening participation in democratic education through links with local communities and has experience in providing support needed in small and medium towns areas. As part of the International Global Libraries Initiative, facilitates citizens’ access to modern technology. More information at
One Week Calendar
All events are listed in US-Eastern Daylight Time. To become an event partner and have your events listed here, please email
- Wednesday, July 23rd at 10am NMC Virtual Symposium on the Future of Museums, In this day-long event, curators, creators, innovators, museum professionals, and educators will explore four major themes from the NMC Horizon Report > 2013 Museum Edition: Bring Your Own Device, Location-Based Services, Crowdsourcing, and Makerspaces. Engage with the panels on these topics and help shape the conversation – get your burning questions answered!
- Wednesday, July 23rd at 9pm Teachers Teaching Teachers, Weekly conversations hosted by EdTechTalk, a collaborative open webcasting community. For more information, click here.
- Thursday, July 24th at 9:30am Future of Museums Conference, Join a collaborative global conversation about technology, museums, and the future. This event will be held from 9:30am - 5pm US-Eastern Time, and will feature keynote speakers and crowdsourced presentations by your peers. Attendees can expect to learn best practices to implement in their museums, and will hear real-world examples of innovative practices in the field. Keynote Schedule: 10am ET Elizabeth Merrit on "Temporal Tourism: a brief visit to 3 museums of 2030," 11am ET Barry Joseph on "Murder at the Museum," 12pm ET Suse Cairns & Jeffrey Inscho on "Punk Rock Museum Work," 1pm ET Holly Witchey on "Intergenerosity/HELP them eat cake!," 2pm ET Lath Carlson on "Museums 3.0 - Museum as Resource," and 4pm ET Alex Freeman on "NMC Horizon Report > 2013 Museum Edition."
- Sunday, July 27th at 8:15pm Principalcast: Daisy Dyer Duerr on Summer Learning Opportunities, The Principalcast Podcast is weekly round table discussion about current topics in educational leadership. Each week we interview teachers, principals, superintendents, authors and presenters to learn about how to become more effective educators! We are dedicated to being the lead learners in all that we do.
- Tuesday, July 29th at 4pm Appy Hour: Inspiring Students to Design Great Cities with SimCity, SimCity is an always-online, fast-paced, intuitive, and forgiving city simulator that lets kids build (and destroy) single-player cities in multiplayer regions. Students can learn about what makes a great city, city management by keeping a budget, running a surplus, or issue bonds to keep afloat. Kids can play together in the same region, or as a single player who manages all the cities in it. In this Appy Hour, videogame journalist, critic, and teacher David Thomas will present on how SimCity can be used by teachers.
For a full calendar of all upcoming events and conferences, click here.
- Homeschool+ Conference, August 4th - 8th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The Call for Proposals for the 2014 Homeschool+ Conference is now open. Conference strands include Learning Theory, Homeschooling, Unschooling, Free Schools, Democratic Schools, Alternative and Non-Traditional Education, Student Presentation, Technology, Politics and Policy, and Faith-Specific Topics. Be sure to share this opportunity with your peers and colleagues - we'd love to see your proposal come in soon! - Gaming in Ed, September 15th - 19th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The Call for Proposals for the inaugural Gaming in Ed conference is now open. Proposals can be submitted from now until September 1st, and we will begin accepting proposals after July 1st. Conference strands include Game-Based Learning: How to Use Games in Educational Settings, Games & Assessment, Connecting Educators With Game Developers: Make Your Voices Heard, Students as Content Creators & Game Designers, Research on Game-Based Learning, and Professional Development. Share your experience with game-based learning with an audience of game developers and peer educators! - Library 2.014, October 8th + 9th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals will be accepted between now and October 1st for Library 2.014. This fully online, participatory conference presents a unique opportunity to showcase the excellent research and work that you do every day. How does your library manage digital collections? Is your library mobile friendly? Do you have a story to tell about maker spaces? Your participation as a presenter will steer the global conversation about the future of libraries. Please see the call for proposals and conference strands and consider submitting your proposal soon! - Global Education Conference, November 17th - 22nd, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The call for proposals for the 2014 Global Education Conference are now open. Proposals can be submitted from now until November 15, and we will begin accepting proposals June 1st. Please see the conference strands and consider submitting your proposal soon!
Highlighted Recordings
Dr. Sandra Hirsh from the Library 2.012 Conference - on "How to be a Catalyst for Change: Redefining the Library 2.0 Information Professional"Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee from the Global Education Conference - on "Global Oneness Project"
Jenifer Fox from the Future of Education Interview Series - on "Strengths-Based School"
NMC Navigator Top Ten
Top Learning Tech Stories of the Week from the NMC/Horizon Project Navigator.
- Udacity’s Nanodegrees: Edtech’s Challenge To College Credentials?
- Creating a Community of Learners With Coding
- In Mississippi schools, access to technology lacking, uneven
- The Case for Social Innovation Micro-Credentials
- A tablet a day
- Hiring an electric 'smart' bike in Copenhagen
- Forget the Shortest Route Across a City; New Algorithm Finds the Most Beautiful
- The Body Learns
- This practically ancient Internet technology supports speeds 1,000 times the national average
- The special educational needs reforms are a lost opportunity
- Announcing the Trust Challenge, the Fifth HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition. Trust, privacy, and safety are critical to learning in an open online world. How can learners exercise control over who sees and uses their data? What tools do they need to navigate, collaborate, and learn online with confidence? What solutions will foster greater civility and respect in online learning environments? How can open technical standards create more opportunities to share and collaborate online in a spirit of trust? The fifth open, international HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition, the Trust Challenge, will award $1.2 million to institutions and organizations that tackle these questions in real-life learning contexts. The Trust Challenge will fund successful collaborations or “laboratories” that create scalable, innovative, and transformative exemplars of connected learning that bridge technological solutions with complex social considerations of trust. More information at
- Get Organized for the New School Year. Karen Cameron shares 8 tips for repurposing old materials into great classroom organization solutions. From T-shirts to ladders, and book shelves to board games, these creative ideas are a great start to the new year. Share your own ideas here.
Education Revolution Google+ Community
- Learning the Hard Way. A recent article by Marianne Stenger explores the research behind allowing learners to struggle with new material before providing explanations. Kapur explains that although it’s unlikely that students will be able to solve problems that require an understanding of concepts they haven’t learned yet, the process of generating sub-optimal or even incorrect solutions can be productive in preparing students to learn better from the teaching that follows. Grappling with new ideas in a peer group is a great way to encourage deeper level thinking among learners. Read more about Kapur's research here.
- Gendered Perceptions of Subject Aptitude Don't Measure Up Against Science. Norma Fares shared this recent article by Tauriq Moosa of the Daily Beast - a critique (among many) of a controversial article written by Mary Kenny of The Telegraph, which many read as reinforcing gender difference and learning aptitude between boys and girls. Moosa interviews several women across the science and math fields to explore Kenny's gendered claims about learning. In Moosa's interview of Dr. Katherine Mack, she shares that, if you want to discuss inherent differences between men’s and women’s brains, first remove all stereotypes, discrimination (subtle or explicit), biased parental expectations, media messages, pressure from teachers, and long-standing gender-based cultural norms, and then tell me about whatever differences you can find, if any. Ironically, perhaps, the original article and it's subsequent criticism are published at the same time that we find reports that girls are performing better than boys across all of the disciplines. Referring back to Dr. Mack's quote, it would seem that gendered stereotypes about learning aptitude and the value of education are problematic on every level, and students across genders suffer the varying consequences. What do you think? Share your thoughts here.
See you online!
Steve Hargadon
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