The Learning Revolution
Weekly Update
March 11th
The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist."
- Maria Montessori
Welcome to the Learning Revolution. The technologies of the Internet and the Web are reshaping where, when, and from whom we learn--and even how we think about learning. The Learning Revolution Project highlights virtual and physical events that we hold and from our over 200 partners, and provides valuable links to learning conversations taking place in the school, library, museum, work, adult, online, non-traditional and home learning worlds.
- Updates
- Partner Spotlight
- Partner Announcements
- Calendar of Events
- Deadlines
- Highlighted Recordings
- NMC Navigator Top Ten
- Conversations
- Submit a Video or Quote
- Next week: CoSN Conference in Washington DC. March 19th - 22nd in Washington DC will be the annual CoSN Conference. CoSN is designed for education leaders to better understand their changing roles in creating the new face of learning, and it's a great event with terrific history and high-powered speakers. The conference starts with an opening "Town Hall Forum" with the Hon. Bob Wise and Yong Zhao, has David Pogue as closing keynote, and has special pre- and post-conference events and tours. Join us Thursday and Friday of the conference for CoSN Camp, an unconference event. Included in the fun will be "Spectacular Failures," a fast-paced sharing of risk-taking adventures that taught us something valuable (read: failures)! I'll be there helping the organizers, as well as sharing one of my own many "spectacular failure" stories. Don't miss the fun!
- School Leadership Summit - March 27th. This is the final week to submit presentation proposals for the second annual School Leadership Summit. The session schedule is almost full, but we do place presentation proposals on a waitlist in case of cancellations. The call for volunteers will go out this week, so be on the lookout for how to get involved!
- Learning Revolution Conference Online. The Learning Revolution Conference call for proposals is now open. This free, online event all about learning will have two days of open sessions on April 24th and 25th. The conference strands include Learning Theory, Learning Practice, Learning Science, Learning Spaces, and Technology & Learning. We encourage all to participate, so please see the submission instructions available here.
- Register for Deep Dive Black Mountain. Come join us in Black Mountain, North Carolina for three+ days of deeper conversations about learning and for the first ever Alternative Education Film Festival. Register for this event here. See you in May!
- AERO 25th Anniversary Conference. AERO is holding it's 25th anniversary conference June 26th - 29th on Long Island. Keynotes include Zoë Neill Readhead, Jerry Mintz, and a special panel of Brooklyn Free School students and teachers. Learn more or register hereand see my notes at the bottom of this post!
- Walden University researcher, Rose Arnell, is looking for survey participants: I am a doctoral student at Walden University and am conducting a study called, Teacher Beliefs on Self-Learning, Collaboration, and Participation in Virtual Communities of Practice. I am in need of 10 participants who would be willing to discuss their experiences within Classroom 2.0 through 2 interviews and through patterns found within their Ning contributions. My goal is to understand the benefits of participating in a virtual community and how this learning transformed teaching. Any communication will be independently coordinated outside of Classroom 2.0. Are you interested in participating? Please fill out this invitation to be considered for this study. Thanks for sharing, Rose! Your research interest is highly relevant for our communities!
- Nominate your favorite keynote speakers for Library 2.014. We're excited to be gearing up for the fourth annual Library 2.014 conference on October 8th and 9th. Thanks to input from information professionals worldwide, the lineup of keynote presenters during the past Library 2.0 virtual conferences has been phenomenal. We enthusiastically invite you to nominate dynamic speakers who will lead the global conversation about the future of libraries during the Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual Conference. This is your chance to help shape this open online conference! Fill out this form to submit your nomination by March 31st.
- New Partners. A big welcome to our new calendar partner, New Global Citizens! You'll now see their great events listed in the main calendar at Join @NGCitizens for #globaledchat every Thursday at 8pm ET - topics changing weekly!
Partner Spotlight
National Geographic is dedicated to helping young people learn about their interconnected world. Through our Center for Geo-Education, we create learning materials and educational experiences for learners and the adults who teach them. Our mission is to make sure that young people receive the education about their dynamic, interconnected world that they will need to function effectively and act responsibly throughout their lives. More information about about our programs is available at
Partner Announcements
- Moebius Noodles: 5-year-olds can learn calculus. Discussions of early math spread after The Atlantic interviewed Dr. Maria Droujkova. Read here.
One Week Calendar
All events are listed in US-Eastern Daylight Time. To become an event partner and have your events listed here, please email
- Wednesday, March 12th at 9am PDT in Seattle, WA Maker Movement at NCCE 2014 with Sylvia Martinez, Join colleagues for a day of hard fun and problem solving — where computing meets tinkering and design. The summit begins with the case for project-based learning, making, tinkering, and engineering. Attendees will discuss strategies for effective prompt setting. Exploring powerful ideas from the Reggio Emilia Approach, breakthroughs in science education, and the global maker movement combine to create rich learning experiences. Learn more here. $245 registration fee
- Wednesday, March 12th at 9am at Montclair State University, NJ Common Sense Media - Teaching Digital Citizenship in an iPad Classroom, If you have iPads, you know that teaching digital citizenship is more important than ever. With the tablet classroom in mind, Common Sense Media, well-renowned for their digital citizenship curriculum and resources, now offers resources for teaching digital citizenship in an iPad classroom.
- Wednesday, March 12th at 6:30pm TICAL - ON[the]LINE: A California 21st Century District Initiative, with Dr. Kelly Calhoun and Elizabeth Calhoon. There is a burden being carried by CA school districts, each struggling individually with how to manage technology policies and guidelines appropriately for the future. This initiative, which has been providing resources to California districts for over a year does the following: Explores and establishes principles to guide the process; Establishes a suite of resources to support 21st century school districts/COEs, including: policies (adoptable or locally modifiable using est. principles), best practice codes of conduct samples, guidelines, and much more! This session will highlight the building of the initiative and how integral partners were brought into the process to provide a central space for all districts to use in one very large state with a plethora of individual district needs. Register here.
- Wednesday, March 12th at 9pm Teachers Teaching Teachers, Weekly conversations hosted by EdTechTalk, a collaborative open webcasting community. For more information, click here.
- Thursday, March 13th at 4pm Digital Wish - Photography Training, We’ll cover the basics of digital photography. Every attendee gets an 80-slide presentation to support your photography or yearbook club! Learn about the shutter lag, sports shooting, rule of thirds, leading lines, and foreground interest. Then we’ll share a photo contest that teachers and students can enter. We’ll wrap up by showing you a fast tool for building your yearbook online, and share how other schools generated profits from their yearbook club. Sign up here, and join us here.
- March 14th - March 15th in Washington DC Teaching & Learning 2014, T&L 2014 is where the profession meets to secure the future of PreK-12 education. Through one-of-a-kind keynote speakers, inspiring panels and practical workshops, T&L 2014 will tackle some of the toughest challenges facing educators today and showcase solutions that work. From Common Core State Standards to education technology to advancing issues of equity in the classroom, educators from all types of classroom settings will have unique opportunities to share their stories, gain new tools, learn from the nation’s top innovators and get inspired to achieve greatness in their classrooms and communities. Register here.
- Friday, March 14th at 8:30am PDT NCCE 2014 Keynote: "Making, Love, and Learning" with Gary Stager. Gary will deliver his new keynote address, “Making, Love, and Learning” at the 2014 NCCE Conference in Seattle, WA on March 14th. A book signing will follow. Learn more here.
- Saturday, March 15th at the MADAR International School in Al Anin, UAE Know.Do.Serve.Learn. - Common Core Camp, The camps will introduce American curriculum schools, leaders and educators in the UAE who are new to the Common Core Standards. Learn more here.
- Saturday, March 15th at 12pm DonorsChoose: Tips for Success, If you have important learning projects, tools, books or even technology hardware/software you need for your classrooms and can't find funding to purchase them, this is a show you won't want to miss. Laura Candler and Francie Kugelman will be our special guests for this Classroom 2.0 Live show and they will be sharing how to use to obtain funding for your classroom projects. Follow #liveclass20, and join the session at
- The free School Leadership Summit online conference, March 27th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals are being accepted between now and March 15th, 2014. Proposals are be accepted on a rolling basis, so consider submitting now! Please see the instructions for submitting a proposal here. - Learning Revolution Conference Online, April 24th - 25th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals are being accepted between now and April 15th for the inaugural Learning Revolution Conference Online. The conference strands include Learning Theory, Learning Practice, Learning Science, Learning Spaces, and Technology & Learning. Please see the call for proposals and submission instructions here. Don't miss out on a great opportunity to connect about learning!
Highlighted Recordings
Michael Graffin from the OZeLive 2014 - Ed Tech Down Under Conference - on "Building the Global Classroom - An Australian Teacher's Story"Jackie Gerstein & Sylvia Martinez from the Connected Café - on "Innovating STEM & Literacy"
Kathryn Greenhill & Mal Booth from the Library 2.012 - on "Creativity and Libraries"
NEW FEATURE: NMC Navigator Top Ten
Top Learning Tech Stories of the Week from the NMC/Horizon Project Navigator.
- Researchers testing tiny ear computer
- Continuous professional development: teachers teaching teachers
- New tertiary education strategy focus: Workplace skills
- Infographic: Fueling a Personalized Learning Revolution
- A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom
- This startup wants high-schoolers to invent. First up: 3D prosthetic hands
- Scientists work on backing up human brain with computers
- Uses Flappy Bird As Tool To Teach Kids How To Program Their Own Game (Video)
- The world's largest photo service just made its pictures free to use
Classroom 2.0- Curated content: The Best of the Week. Classroom 2.0 contributor, Karen Cameron, gives us another great gift this week - the best education-related blog posts, news articles, apps and resources of the week. It's so easy to get behind on all the great material being created each week, so curated sources like this are super helpful! Curated blogs are on our short list of upcoming projects, so stay tuned if this is something you're passionate about. Thanks, as always, Karen!
- Geography games for the classroom, library, after-school program, or just for you!. Check out World Geography Games - Can you point out Sudan on the map? How about the Strait of Hormuz? This website will bring you many entertaining and stimulating map games to improve your geographical knowledge. The quizzes include questions about countries, capitals, flags, regions, bodies of water, mountains, deserts, metropolitan areas and other topics that will test and challenge your brain. For everyone who wants to explore and learn about the world, you've come to the right place! This is such a fun and challenging way to learn more about the world. Try it out this week!
Education Revolution Google+ Community
- Speaking of games: The secret to effective e-Learning games. Google+ community member, Christopher Pappas, shared this article by e-Learning writer Stephanie Ivec. Check out Stephanie's top five secrets to designing effective games for edcuation.
- Google Science Fair 2014. Educator, George Bartan, shared this great YouTube announcement about Google Science Fair 2014. The Google Science Fair is a global online science and technology competition open to students ages 13 to 18. Learn more about getting involved and how the young people in your life can participate here. Thanks for this, George!
- So much to say about the SAT changes. It seems like everyone's got something to say about the proposed changes to the SAT. Ted Bauer is concerned about some of the language being used to describe the strengths of the revised test. Clay Forsberg sees the changes as another nail in the coffin of American writing skills. And Kirsten Winkler speculates about the economic effect of the Kahn Academy / College Board partnership on the test-prep industry. What do you think? What conversations have sparked over the changes in the SAT in your world? Share them here.
Global Education Conference
- Announcing the Global Competence Certificate program. Jennifer Lofing shared a great PD opportunity for teachers this week. The Global Competence Certificate Program is the first-of-its-kind online graduate level certificate program in global competence education for educators. The GCC combines engaging online coursework, immersive fieldwork with partners across the globe, and collaborative practice groups with an interdisciplinary group of peers to help educators integrate global competence into their practice, while building engaging and relevant instructional methodology. Developed by Teachers College, Columbia University, World Savvy, and Asia Society, the program is facilitated by Teachers College faculty and renowned educators from across the country. Participants may choose to earn a Certificate in Global Competence plus either 48 Continuing Education Units or 12 Graduate Credits. Thanks for sharing, Jennifer! Visit for more information.
- European Conference in the Applications of Enabling Technologies - ECAET 2014: Call for papers. Looking for an excellent reason to travel to Glasgow, Scotland this November? Here it is: ECAET is an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practices in the use of Web2.0 technologies in education, leisure and business. The ECAET promotes collaborative excellence between academics and professionals from a range of disciplines providing an opportunity for researchers from various fields with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research esteem and the evolution of the usage and uptake of technology. ECAET 2014 invites research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation and performance evaluation. All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and modified versions of selected papers will be published in special issues of peer reviewed journals. Learn more here. Thanks for sharing, Joel!
Submit a Video or Quote
We'd like to feature a user submitted video each week. Get creative! Post your short video answer to the question: What does the learning revolution mean to you? We'll be highlighting one video each week, and sharing the rest on our YouTube channel. You need to include #learningrevolution in the title of your YouTube video.
Do you have a great quote on education? Send us your favorite education quote to add to our collection and we'll be sure to give you a shout out in our next newsletter.
This Week's Submitted Favorites
Jenny Rankin - on "What #learningrevolution Means to Me"Plus, thank you to Peggy George, Classroom 2.0 Live co-host and super-educator, for providing us with these quotes and so many more! We loved her submissions so much that we've given her a special page on the Learning Revolution site. Thanks, Peggy!
- We need to move beyond the idea that an education is something that is provided for us, and toward the idea that an education is something that we create for ourselves.
- Stephen Downes - Our task is to provide an education for the kind of kids we have... Not the kind of kids we used to have... Or want to have... Or the kids that exist in our dreams.
- Mary Kay Utech - To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
- Edmund Burke
Final Notes
I really sorry to miss the AERO conference this year (the dates conflict with the ISTE conference, to which I am attached at the hip). AERO was by far the most interesting and productive conference I attended last year--which I did as a first-time attendee. I'd heard about the conference for a couple of years because guests on my Future of Education show kept mentioning it. If you don't have a date conflict like me, I highly encourage those of you who are interested in expanding their conversations about learning beyond traditional classroom and school discussions to consider attending. AERO's mission is "to help create an education revolution, to make learner-centered education available to everyone," which is not only a perfect fit with, but formed a significant part of the impetus for me to bring the AERO-related conversations into my own learning world and events. Their workshops and attendees come from all kinds of alternative learning organizations, and you will likely leave with lots of bold new ideas!
See you online!
Steve Hargadon
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