Learning Revolution: Host Your Own Webinar - Learn from Homeschoolers - Submit A Video - Job Forum

Learning Revolution

The Learning Revolution
Weekly Update

January 14th

Genius is an exceedingly common human quality,
probably natural to most of us.
- John Taylor Gatto

Welcome to the Learning Revolution. The technologies of the Internet and the Web are reshaping where, when, and from whom we learn. The Learning Revolution Project highlights virtual and physical events from Web 2.0 Labs and its partners. These events bring together educators, learners, leaders, and others to rethink and reinvent education. To receive the weekly Learning Revolution newsletter, please join the Learning Revolution network.


  • Host Your Own Webinar Returns. The HYOW program is back! This terrific program was unfortunately shuttered when the LearnCentral network was closed, but now it's back. Anyone can hold an educational and free webinar that also gets posted in our events calendar. More information here.
  • Mark your calendars for Library 2.014. October 8th and 9th are confirmed for Library 2.014. This is an amazing annual event. Click here to go to the YouTube channel for past keynotes, or here for all recorded sessions.
  • Classroom 2.0. We've been asked to start a Classroom 2.0 group for job seeking and opportunity listings. Check it out here and let us know what you think.
  • Teaser: We've tentatively set April 24th as the date for a free online conference which we'll call "Reinventing the Classroom." More information to come.
  • Announcing the 2014 Homeschool Conference. We're pleased to announce our second free online Homeschool Conference, which will be March 6th and 7th. Look for updates soon. Traditional educators: there's a lot to be learned from the homeschooling world about personal education and the pursuit of passionate interests--you might consider attending!

One Week Calendar

  • Wednesday, January 15th at 9pm EST EdTechTalk - Teachers Teaching Teachers, Teachers Teaching Teachers Studio and Chat hosted weekly by EdTechTalk, a collaborative open webcasting community.
  • Saturday, January 18th at 12pm EST CR20 LIVE Weekly Show - EduClipper and EduTecher Updates with Adam Bellow, Classroom 2.0 LIVE is an opportunity to gather with other member of the community in regular "live" web meetings. Special thanks for this go to our sponsor, Blackboard Collaborate, for providing the service that allows us to do this!
  • Monday, January 20th at 5:15am EST Education Fast Forward - EFF9: "To School or not to school", The debate is being held at The Education World Forum in front of an audience of ministers. So join us, two amazing speakers, special guests and fellows and tweet comments and questions to #EFF9.
  • Tuesday, January 21st at 5pm EST TICAL - Top 14 Web Resources for Ed. Leaders of 2014, Tune in to hear about the top 14 technology resources of 2014. Websites and apps that are free, easy-to-use, and very practical will be highlighted during this session. Learn about new tools and explore new ways to use some of the more popular resources. This webinar builds on the popular series of articles and workshops that have been presented annually since 2010. Click here to register.
  • Tuesday, January 21st at 5pm EST Personlize Learning Webinar #3: The Motivation Equation with Kathleen Cushman, Teachers perceive a crisis of motivation among their students, even more troubling with respect to the knowledge, skills, and habits that crucially affect the futures of low-income youth. But the science of learning suggests a powerful positive approach, which builds on what youth most value and supports their expectation of success. This webinar helps participants analyze their own student-motivation dilemmas, using the research-based “Motivation Equation” protocol and calling on classroom examples from WKCD's new multimedia book of the same name by Kathleen Cushman. Join the Collaborate session here.

For a full list of all upcoming events, click HERE.


  • The free School Leadership Summit online conference, March 27th, 2014
    Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals are being accepted between now and March 15th, 2014. Proposals are be accepted on a rolling basis, so consider submitting now! Please see the instructions for submitting a proposal here.

Featured Conference Recordings

Lucy Gray from the 2013 School Leadership Summit - on "Modernizing Education"


Gwyneth Jones & Joyce Valenza from the Connected Cafe - on "Personalized Learning"

Jones Valenza

Pat Farenga from the Homeschool Conference - on "The Legacy of John Holt"

Pat Farenga


Classroom 2.0
  • Help your students create their own legacy. Michigan educator and Classroom 2.0 member, Karen Cameron, shares a follow up to an article she wrote on self-reflective activities for students. What a great way to start the New Year! Check out Karen's ideas here, and find out what your students want to be remembered for.

Education Revolution on Google+
  • Deadline approaching for White House Student Film Festival. Google+ community follower, Education World, reminds America's K-12 students that the deadline to submit your three minute film is January 28th. The entries should address these themes: how you currently use technology in your classroom or school, and the role technology will play in education in the future. For submission guidelines and more information, visit http://www.whitehouse.gov/filmfestival/.
  • Learning contracts. Educational entrepreneur, Doan Winkel, shares his most recent blog post with the Education Revolution community. This time he's challenging us to reconsider traditional assessment by working with students to design learning contracts that reflect the individual interests and goals of each learner. Read about his experience empowering students in his classroom here.
  • A bold resolution for 2014. Ohio educator, Mark Barnes, is serious about this year's resolution. He's committed to eliminate grades in every school. Read what inspired Mark here, and see if you're up to the challenge.

Global Education Conference


We're very excited about this year's Homeschool Conference. Here's some of the feedback we received from those of you who joined us in August. Looking forward to seeing you in March!

This conference has re-boosted my confidence as an unschooler. Thank you!
-Julie Kirkwood

Awesome that truly student centered learning in place of the one size fits all attitude is available to a global audience in a user friendly format!
-Kirk Cunningham

The conference is absolutely brilliant and a first for me in this setting. I am very enthusiastic about it's potential and keen to contribute as a presenter next year.
-Casper Pieters

Once again, Steve put together an amazing conference with individuals who are challenging the status quo, asking relevant questions, and offering transformative education solutions.
-Debbie Vane

For a full list of the 2013 Homeschool Conference kudos, click HERE.

Submit a Video or Quote

We'd like to feature a user submitted video each week. Get creative! Post your short video answer to the question: What does the learning revolution mean to you? We'll be highlighting one video each week, and sharing the rest on our YouTube channel. You need to include #learningrevolution in the title of your YouTube video.


Do you have a great quote on education? Send us your favorite education quote to add to our collection and we'll be sure to give you a shout out in our next newsletter.

Final Notes

Lots more fun ahead this year. Thanks for being a part of the Learning Revolution.

See you online!

Steve Hargadon
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