GlobalEdCon 13 - Final Day + Global Education Declaration

Today is the final day of our five-day 2013 Global Education Conference.  

Join us today for a great set of final presentations, as well as for our closing celebration: we'll hear a special message from US Congresswoman Nita Lowey, get reports on the five grassroots projects, announce dates for some special 2014 events, and issue the conference-created Global Education Declaration.
    A summary of today's sessions is shown below in US-Eastern Standard Time (GMT/UTC-5). To see the schedule in your own time zone, with the full session descriptions and a link to enter each session, go to To receive the daily conference schedule, be sure to join the Global Education Conference network. Recordings of all sessions are available here.

    Our free conference runs all week and is open to anyone to attend--spread the word with Twitter hashtag #globaled13.

    Special Notes:
    • HUGE thanks to our amazing volunteers! You have been awesome!
    • General conference information is posted here. A step-by-step guide to getting started is also available here. If you are looking to extend your conference experience, here are some ideas.
    • Information about certificates for volunteers, presenters, and attendees is here.
    Friday, November 22
    (US-Eastern Standard Time)


    • ED4ALL - Creating Responsible Global Digital Citizens in the Technology Age - Melanie McCreary, Educator
    • Historical Role Play in Second Life for promoting Global Competencies - Dr. Chris Deason, Course Director (Associate Professor
    • SPOTLIGHT: Global Classroom 2013-14 Stories & Project Launch - Mr Michael Graffin (@mgraffin)


    • ED4ALL - EU and the Albanian higher education system; What happens when they meet? - Malvina Tema, PhD Candidate
    • Global Project Based Learning and 21st Century Skills are dialectically connected - Ms Samah AlJundi
    • Global voices: International school students developing verbal fluency with audiobooks. - Sue Toms, Head of Libraries
    • Stories from Hello Little World Skypers - Anne Mirtschin


    • Building a Global Culture of Accessibility with Mobile Devices - Dr. Luis Perez
    • ED4ALL - Educate Every Child on the Planet: The World Top 20 Education Poll - Albert N. Mitchell II, CEO/ Executive Director
    • The Olympic Games 2012, working collaboratively in a globalize world to develop cultural awareness.Connecting classroom programme. - Balda Marcia, Teacher of English
    • “ Window to the World” – a path for the school of the future - Effie Kyrikakis - Global Program Administrator


    • ED4ALL - Understanding the Middle East through a Simulation: AIC Conflict Simulation - Vicki Davis & 9th Grade Students
    • Liderazgo del directivo docente y Docentes en la evaluation curricular de las Instituciones Educativas Oficiales en Colombia - Magister Luis Alberto Dávila Ramírez
    • Using Online Resources for Teaching EFL to Students from Under-served Communities - Muhammad Saleem Ibrahim


    • KEYNOTE: Karen Armstrong - How to Change the World
    • ED4ALL - La Red Interamericana de Educación Docente (RIED) y el Colaboratorio Interamericano para la Profesión Docente (Co-PED): Herramientas Prácticas para la Colaboración entre Docentes en las Américas - Nathalia Khayat, Consultora de Educación y James Pa
    • ED4ALL - New Education Highway: Using Technology, Community Partnerships, OERs and Targeted Teacher-Training to Provide Access - Even in Areas Without Internet - to Free, Quality Education - Silvia Raithel, NEH Co-Founder and Co-President
    • Global Harvest Project: Connecting Community through Co-developing Transdisciplinary Curriculum - Melda N. Yildiz, Teacher Educator
    • The Online Model United Nations Movement: The Move Towards Global Community - Omar Eldarawy, Deputy Secretary General of Africa


    • Attaining the Creative Classroom with practical projects - Joel Josephson
    • ED4ALL - The OER movement: Inspiring global Teacher & Student Participation and Creation - Frédéric Kastner, Programme Manager
    • Future Friendly Schools: living laboratories for 21st century teaching and learning - Michael Furdyk, Director of Innovation
    • RAINFOREST ARTLINK: Connecting with the rainforest 2013 - Miguel Barreto, Program Director



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